Daniel Rubenson

Daniel Rubenson is a Professor of Politics at Toronto Metropolitan University and an Associate Researcher at CEVPOF, Sciences Po. He is also the Executive Director of Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP), a global research, evaluation and training network that  promotes rigorous knowledge accumulation, innovation, and evidence-based policy  in various governance and accountability domains. 

Rubenson is co-Principal Investigator of the Canadian Election Study and the Consortium on Electoral Democracy. He has held visiting positions at the European University Institute, Sciences Po, Paris, the Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm and Facebook. He received his PhD from the London School of Economics and his Bachelor of Social Science from Lund University. 

Rubenson’s research focuses on the decisions people make in politics and how both individual and contextual level factors influence people's decision making and behaviour. It is largely concentrated in three related areas at the intersection of comparative politics and political  economy:  1) Political participation and vote choice; 2) political campaigns, political communication and persuasion; and 3) the governance of natural resources. 

You can learn more about his research on his website: rubenson.org

The topics Rubenson studies include political participation and civic engagement, social identity, vote choice, trust, prosocial behaviour, the connections between culture and institutions, and political accountability and representation. Methodologically, his work is diverse but driven by a concern about causal inference and most of his work employs field experiments or other randomized designs, often in collaboration with government agencies, political  organizations or other implementing partners. 

Rubenson’s recent publications include articles in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, Scientific Reports, Political Psychology the Journal of Experimental Political Science, Legislative Studies Quarterly and others.


Research Fields

participation politique, engagement civique, identité sociale, vote, confiance, culture et institutions, responsabilité et la représentation politiques

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