Thomas Charrayre

A former student at the École Normale Supérieure de la rue d'Ulm, Thomas Charrayre holds a master's degree in political science from Sciences Po and a master's degree in political philosophy from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He is a contract doctoral student in political theory at the CEVIPOF.

His work focuses on the intellectual history of conservatism, in particular the relationship between conservative thinkers and liberalism and the plurality of their epistemological approaches.

Thesis topic: Mapping conservative thought. A comparative history of the philosophies of Leo Strauss, Michael Oakeshott and Raymon Aron

Supervisors: Gil Delannoi & Florent Guenard

The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that, despite the difficulties raised by any attempt to define conservatism, it is nonetheless an interpretative category that is relevant to the history of ideas. Given the failure of efforts to establish a conservative tradition, this thesis highlights the differences between conservative theories (in Raymond Aron, Michael Oakeshott and Leo Strauss) in order to identify the common intention underlying them: the refusal to extend modern rationality, as manifested in positivism or historicism, to political practice.

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