Discussion/Debate following publication of "Citizenship: The Third Revolution"

In the presence with the authors
18/10/23 - Hybrid format
  • Couv. de l'ouvrage Couv. de l'ouvrage

Pour en savoir plus

Focus on Hans Joas

06 October 2023
13, rue de l'Université - Paris 7e - Salle du Conseil
  • Couv. ouvrage + portrait hans JoasCouv. ouvrage + portrait hans Joas

This is a one-day conference that focuses on Hans Joas as his latest book Comment naissent les valeurs is published Calmann-Lévy, 2023.

Colloquium: "André Malraux et la politique"

23-24 Nov. 2023
Salle K008 - 1, pl. St Thomas D'Aquin - Paris 7
  •  André Malraux, collection privée de Florence Malraux André Malraux, collection privée de Florence Malraux

Colloque co-organisé par Janine Mossuz-Lavau (CEVIPOF), les AIAM (Amitiés internationales André Malraux), les Archives diplomatiques (le ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères), le ministère de la Culture, l’INA et la Fondation des Alliances françaises.

IAST-OxPo Conference on Political Science and Political Economy

Paris, May 15-16, 2023
Location: Sorel & Leroy Beaulieu, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris
  • Science politique, économie crédit @CanstockScience politique, économie crédit @Canstock

Equality And Electoral Democracy

Redem Conference
28-29 nov. 2022 salle Goguel 27, rue St Guillaume Paris 7e
  • Democracy concept - Image ID:RYJ02F @alamyDemocracy concept - Image ID:RYJ02F @alamy

Up coming general Seminar

Le 18 octobre 2022
11h via Zoom
  • Catherine de Vries et couv. de l'ouvrageCatherine de Vries et couv. de l'ouvrage

Catherine de Vries, Université Bocconi, interviendra sur Geographies of Discontent: How Public Service Deprivation Increased Far-Right Support in Italy.

Ecosystems as Infrastructures?

Hybrid Conference by prof. Rodolphe Barrangou
09 nov. 2022 - 17h - Salle Goguel - 56 rue des Sts Pères Paris 7
  • Rodolphe BarrangouRodolphe Barrangou

The challenges raised by large-scale genome engineering in the nuclease age.

Satire and Democracy - Hybrid Conference

oct. 14, 2022
9 rue de la Chaise Paris 7- room 910
  • satire  & démocratiesatire & démocratie

Strengthening Electoral Participation

REDEM Worshop, Barcelona
May 2-4, 2022
  • Voter-QueueVoter-Queue

Prochain séminaire général

22 mars 2022
11h via Zoom (FR)
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

Présentation de l'ouvrage Extinction de vote ?

8th Graduate Conference in Political Theory

nov. 4-5 2021
Sciences Po, 28 rue des St-pères
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

This 8th Graduate Conference is dedicated to the dialogue between history of ideas and political theory.

With Quentin Skinner, Céline Spector et Mathieu Hauchecorne.

The programme (PDF) EN ,384Ko

Register here

Translations of scientific Findings for responsive environmental Policies

16 oct à Columbia Global Center, Reid Hall - Paris
17 & 18 oct au CEVIPOF
  • Two men playing chess with special chessmen that are trees @ShutterstockTwo men playing chess with special chessmen that are trees @Shutterstock

Co-organized by Columbia University, Global Center, Paris & CEVIPOF/Sciences Po,Paris :

Cognitive perspectives in political behavior

March 07 2019
9h30-12h salle Percheron
  • THE POLITICAL BRAIN by Drew Westen. FlickrTHE POLITICAL BRAIN by Drew Westen. Flickr

In the last decades, cognitive approaches, and notably experimental psychology methods, have been applied to study the drivers and dynamics of political behavior. The aim of this conference is to give an overview of this field and to show how cognitive sciences can provide new insights into central questions in political sciences, such as the spread of false information, the dynamics of group decision-making and the determinants of political attitudes.

Seminar with Thomas Piketty

24 janvier 2019
17h-19h at CERI
  • Thomas pikettyThomas piketty
Thomas Piketty  presenting his paper entitled "Brahmin Left vs Merchant Right: Rising Inequality & the Changing Structure of Political Conflict," co-sponsored by MaxPo, CEVIPOF, and CEE*.
Discussion of the paper will be conducted by Martial Foucault (CEVIPOF), Nonna Mayer (CEE) , and Jan Rovny (CEE/LIEPP).

The Routlege Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy

Book Launch
30 nov. 2018 - 13h30
  • The Routledge Handbook of Ethics &Public PolicyThe Routledge Handbook of Ethics &Public Policy

 Affiche Book Launch

What does it mean to do public policy ethics today? How should philosophers engage with ethical issues in policy-making when policy decisions are circumscribed by political and pragmatic concerns? How do ethical issues in public policy differ between areas such as foreign policy, criminal justice, or environmental policy?

Conference Saul Perlmutter

October 18, 2017
  • Saul PerlmutterSaul Perlmutter

"The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Hunting for Where One is Wrong:How open-minded methods of science could help our societies tackle their difficult challenges"

2011 Nobel Laureate,Saul Perlmutter discusses his ideas on Sense and Sensibility and Science.

See the orogram of the conference