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Dean's Welcome

Dear high school students,
Joining Sciences Po means joining an institution renowned for its academic excellence, where intellectual rigor, openness to the world and enriching human encounters come together.
Sciences Po is a university dedicated to the humanities and social sciences, combining research and education. Our training combines fundamental teachings, openness to the world, multidisciplinarity and commitment to serving others. Our students acquire the keys to understanding the challenges and issues of the contemporary world, and become fully involved in their own careers and in the life of the community.
The Bachelor's programme at Sciences Po's Undergraduate Studies is designed as a pathway, with a series of different stages. It takes place on one of our 7 campuses in France, each offering minors that enable students to study issues specific to a particular geographical area of the world.
The first year is based on our core curriculum of five disciplines - law, economics, history, political science and sociology. In the second year, you can begin to refine your orientation, by choosing an interdisciplinary major: “Politics and Government”, “Economics and Society” and the “Political Humanities” major, before going abroad in the third year to one of our 480 partner universities.
In addition to this demanding academic program, we offer a civic program designed to help you understand citizenship and social responsibility through the development of a personal project in the service of others, combining field experience and reflection.
At the end of these three years, our graduates are ready to pursue their studies in a Master's program, at Sciences Po or other French or international universities, in an infinite number of directions. We have given them the keys to success: rigor, curiosity and a sense of commitment.
I hope that Sciences Po will also become a path to human and intellectual fulfillment for you.
Jeanne Lazarus,
Dean of the Undergraduate College.
Virtual tour of the campuses

Delve into the interactive campus map. Visit classes, libraries, and other campus facilities online.