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Bachelor of arts, third year
All third year students must complete at least one semester of studies at one of Sciences Po’s partner universities. Students pursue their third year either in a study abroad experience lasting two semesters, or in a mixed year consisting of one semester of study and one semester-long full-time internship.
During the compulsory third year abroad, students complete their major coursework in one of Sciences Po’s 480 partner institutions in a destination chosen in perfect coherence with their first two years at Sciences Po’s Undergraduate College.
Depending on their third year academic project, students may pursue their third year in a university within the region of focus of their campus, or elsewhere in the world while taking classes related to the campus’ region of focus.
At the end of the third year, each student submits a Capstone Project. This exercise asks students to demonstrate, using critical analysis, the links between their major coursework and field experiences conducted within the Civic Learning Programme throughout the three year in the College.
If you have any questions, please contact: college.international@sciencespo.fr.