Home>Academics>Bachelor of Arts>Civic Learning Programme
The civic learning programme : exercising citizenship
Programme objectives
The Civic Learning Programme fulfils Sciences Po’s goal of training ethically minded and socially conscious individuals. Students gain an awareness of social conditions from local to global level and uphold humanist values by working with and for others.
This exercise in active citizenship gives students an opportunity to assume their social and civic responsibilities. Connecting theory and hands-on experience, the programme invites students to develop an independent or group project involving community service or the promotion of equality and inclusion.
Programme structure
The Civic Learning Programme is delivered in the first two years of the Bachelor of Arts degree, on all campuses of the Sciences Po Undergraduate College. It is structured around several field experiences, including a 140-hour civic internship completed during the summer of students’ first year and a 50-hour independent or group civic engagement project, running continuously throughout students’ second year.
Taking a multidisciplinary and comparative approach rooted in the realities of the field, students learn to think critically and act responsibly. They receive supervision from an academic mentor to write an extended reflective essay, the Capstone Project, which they submit at the end of their second year (or third year for the 2022-2025 cohort).
The Civic Learning Programme is one of the pillars of the Undergraduate College curriculum and a compulsory module of the Bachelor of Arts degree. Upon completion of the programme, students are awarded a minimum of six ECTS credits (nine ECTS credits maximum) for their field experiences and six ECTS credits for the final Capstone Project.