Home>The New Admission Procedure Through Parcoursup for First-Year Bachelor Applicants
The New Admission Procedure Through Parcoursup for First-Year Bachelor Applicants
Are you sitting your French baccalaureate, in France or abroad, in 2025 and would like to enter Sciences Po Bachelor's programme?
Find out more about our new admission procedure through Parcoursup for the start of the 2025 academic year.
Please note:
The international admission pathway and admissions to dual degrees are not affected this year.
A new admission procedure based on academic excellence and social inclusion
The new admissions procedure reflects Sciences Po's desire to take greater account of applicants' academic excellence, determination, and merit, while pursuing the institution's ambition to be socially inclusive.
The changes introduced for the 2025 French admission procedure provide for :
- Simplification of the application form, considering only the last two years of secondary school report cards, to relieve the pressure on applicants at too early an age,
- Revising the weight of academic assessments, giving priority to the written French test of the baccalaureate (which takes place a year before the remaining tests) in test 1 (60%),
- Maintaining a qualitative assessment of their academic journey by evaluating all the last two years report cards, teachers' assessments, and the fiche Avenir (a form completed by the teaching staff of the last year of secondary school),
- Increasing the weight of the remote interview for candidates who are invited to attend, which will now count for 50% of the final mark, and during which the candidate's Parcoursup essays will be passed on to the members of the committee.

« In a context where excellence is too often perceived as an inaccessible fortress, this reform shows that it can, on the contrary, be a lever for inclusion. Reforming to reconcile excellence and equity means investing in a future where knowledge and openness will be the driving forces behind shared progress. »
Luis Vassy
President of Sciences Po
Three evaluations in two rounds to showcase one's potential
The three evaluations of the French admission procedure have been designed to be balanced and fair, to select excellent profiles with complementary qualities.
The first round: analysis of the Parcoursup application file
The first stage of the process is based on academic excellence, assessed quantitatively and qualitatively.
The sum of the two marks out of 20 obtained in these two evaluations gives a mark out of 40.
Evaluation 1: the candidate's marks
The written French test of the French baccalaureate is given pride of place in this round, accounting for 60% of the mark for Evaluation 1.
Other marks will also be taken into account:
- The oral French test mark,
- The history-geography marks in the last two years of secondary school,
- Specialty courses in the last two years of secondary school.
In this first test, each candidate is marked out of 20.
Evaluation 2: Academic performance and the candidate's career path
The second part of this first round is an in-depth qualitative analysis of the candidate's academic performance and career path in secondary school.
Each application file is read and assesed by an examiner, who has access to the school reports for the first and last years of secondary school and the fiche Avenir completed by the teaching staff and the headmaster. The examiner considers the candidate's position in the class, in close relation to the school context (selective stream, international exposure, number of pupils), the ability to progress, the involvement in the class, the specific features of the academic journey, and the teachers' assessments.
This second evaluation is marked out of 20.
Second round: the interview
Candidates who have achieved the minimum score required in the assessment of the Parcoursup application file are invited to the third and final test: the interview. This exercise focuses on assessing the candidate's analytical and reasoning skills along with the candidate's motivation.
The oral test lasts 25 to 30 minutes and is divided into different sequences:
- Candidate presentation,
- Commentary on and analysis of an image chosen by the candidate from two options,
- Free discussion with the examiners to gain a deeper understanding of the candidate and his/her motivations.
Note that the committee, made up of two examiners, has access to the "motivation essay" that the candidate filled in when registering on Parcoursup and may question the candidate on the elements mentioned.
This interview is organised by videoconference. It is conducted in French, but questions may be asked in English if the candidate has chosen an English-track programme.
This test is marked out of 40. The combination of this mark out of 40 and the mark for the dossier (50% each) gives a mark out of 80.
After assessing the three evaluations, and in the light of the quality of the applications, the admissions panel decides on the minimum admission mark out of 80.
The Parcoursup schedule
- From mid-January to the end of March : registration on the Parcoursup platform to formulate your wishes and finalise your application. You can choose one or more options from among the bachelor's and/or dual degree programmes. For the bachelor's programme, applicants must indicate two choices from among the programmes offered on the seven campuses,
- April: the application is examined and assessed,
- Late April/early May: if the marks obtained are sufficient, the applicant is invited to the remote interview,
- Early June: the results are posted on the Parcoursup platform. Depending on the admission mark obtained, applicants will be admitted, placed on the waiting list or not admitted.
Come to our Undergraduate's Open House Day
On 1 February 2025, you can attend our online Undergraduate's Open House Day – in French or English. Register now.
You can also sign up for in-person open days at our seven campuses, on different dates, to meet our teams.