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Visiting Scholars

CRIS is pleased to be able to host a limited number of junior and senior visiting scholars each academic year. 

  • Visiting scholars have access to a desk in a shared open workspace, along with access to the internet, library, and Sciences Po's numerous resources.
  • Visiting scholars have also the opportunity to present their work in a research seminar, collaborate with other members of CRIS, and benefit from discussing ongoing research projects. 
  • They are expected to interact with CRIS faculty and doctoral students and participate in the regular life of the center, including attending the weekly research seminar.
  • CRIS is unable to provide funding for visiting researchers; however, a visitor may benefit from external funding.
  • To apply to be a visiting scholar at CRIS, please make contact ahead of time with a researcher at CRIS who fits your research area, as the CRIS faculty member will be your host. If the CRIS faculty member is available to act as your host, please fill out this form. Then, your application will be examined by the CRIS board, which usually meets every six weeks and, if it is approved, you will be issued an invitation letter. Please make sure to apply at least 4 months before the start of the visiting stay. Download here the Form of Undertaking for Visiting Scholars (pdf)
  • For short term visits:
    Lab council approval is not necessary for visiting researchers who wish to stay at CRIS for less than two weeks in the context of a research collaboration with a member of the CRIS faculty. Your request for this type of short-term visit at CRIS needs to be submitted at least one month prior to your stay, and needs to be accompanied by a letter of motivation and a CV, as well as the CRIS faculty member's email of support. Visiting scholars for short term visits have access to a desk in a shared open workspace, along with access to the internet.
  • For any questions about vistings applications and stay, please contact Allison Rovny, Research Activities Coordinator: allison.rovny@sciencespo.fr

IN 2024 - 2025

  Keonshi Son 

Keonshi Son, Research fellow at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research. Her research interests lie in the political economy of gender and the welfare state. 
Stay at CRIS between January and end of March 2025. During this time as Visiting Scholar, she collaborates with Professor Emanuel Ferragina,  investigating whether the ideal family structure, as perceived by states, changed from the traditional male breadwinner model to a dual-earner/carer model by analyzing changes in work-family policy constellations across advanced economies. 
In her current project, she examines the origins of women's economic and social rights in advanced capitalist societies, tracing the socio-economic and political factors that historically shaped state governance of women's labor from the late 19th to the mid-20th century.  

Giuseppe Montalbano

Giuseppe Montalbano, postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Luxembourg, is specialized in the European financial markets' integration and corporate lobbying. 

His current research interests focus on EU financial and real estate market regulation, comparative housing policy and the role of business influence. Visiting between September 2024 and June 2025. This six-month visiting period at CRIS aims to develop a research on the determinants and limits of recent housing reforms in Europe in taming the financialization of housing from a comparative perspective.   

Ildefonso Marqués-Perales, Professor, Universidad de Sevilla. Visiting between October 1st and November 31th. Main research area: Social mobility, social class, social stratification. This visiting is part of the INCASI2 International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities (Horizon - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions), bringing together organizations and universities from 13 countries in Europe and Latin America.

Arnfinn H. Midtbøen, Professor, University of Oslo. Visiting between September 24th and October 6th. Main research area: immigration, integration and ethnoracial inequalities. More information - Google scholar

Leda Perez, Associate Professor, Academic Department of Social and Political Sciences, Universidad Del Pacífico (Lima). As part of the Gender Studies Visiting Faculty Programme. Her studies focus on inequalities in labor and social rights, according to gender, ethnicity, race and social class.  
Project:  Women, democracy and domestic work in Latin America. Visiting for a semester, between September - December 2024. To find out more

IN 2023-2024

Christiaan Monden, Professor of Sociology and Demography, Departement of Sociology, University of Oxford. Visiting as part of the OxPo academic exchange 2024-2025. 4-29 March 2024.

Peter Hepburn, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University-Newark and Research Fellow at the Eviction Lab - Princeton University. His research examines how changes to three core social institutions — work, criminal justice, and housing — have served to produce and perpetuate inequality. It aims to demonstrate how disparities in exposure to precarious work, the criminal justice system, and housing instability are maintained through the mechanism of the family. Visiting since January 1st to June 1st 2024. Website

Rosa Weber, Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Sociology at Stockholm University and INED. Project  Social Ties and Immigrant Integration: Bridging and Bonding Ties in France and Sweden. Visiting between 15th September 2023 and 15th December 2023. More information

Arthur Acolin, Associate Professor of Real Estate, Runstad Department of Real Estate, College of Built Environments, University of Washington. Visiting between 15th September 2023 and 14th June 2024. Current project: comparative analysis of immigrants'access to housing in European countries. He already worked on gentrification and discrimination in French real estate market. 

Andrei Cimpian, Professor of Psychology, New York University. CimpianLab Website
Period of Visiting: 1st October - 15th November 2023. His research investigates motivation and academic achievement, with a particular focus on how educational inequalities are shaped by gender and racial/ethnic stereotypes.

Joseph Cimpian, Professor of Economics and Education Policy, NYU Steinhardt and Professor of Public Service at NYU Wagner. Webpage/bio
Visiting between 1st October and 15th November 2023. His core research area is dealing with the social, psychological, and institutional factors affecting equity and access, particularly concerning sex, gender identity, sexuality, and multilingualism. He is currently conducting an interdisciplinary research on gender gaps in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), policies to help non-native-English speakers succeed in school.

Hui Yu, Associate Professor, School of Education, South China Normal University.Visiting for one Year, starting November 2023, under the China Scholarship Council programme. He's now researching into parental educational involvement and private tutoring in urban China.

IN 2022-2023

Rob Gruijters, Associate Professor, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education. He is also affiliated with the Research for Equitable Access and Learning Center (REAL). Visiting, as part of the Cambridge - Sciences Po Exchange Visits Programme, in July 2023. 

Merlin Schaeffer, Professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology. He is a sociologist with a specialization in the conceptual and theory-driven empirical analysis of immigration-based ethnic diversity and stratification, as well as their contentious political consequences. Visiting in April 2023.

Olof Östergren, Researcher at the Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University. He's currently working on social inequalities during the pandemic, including health, health-care access and Swedish labour-market. He also leads a project carried with Stockholm University and the University of Helsinki examining health among Finnish migrants in Sweden, in relation to both the country of origin and destination. During his stay he plans to work on cross-country comparisons in social inequalities in old-age mortality together with Zachary Van Winkle. Visiting from March 2023 to July 2024.    

 Abdie Kazemipur, Professor of Sociology, Chair of Ethnic Studies, University of Calgary. His current project is dealing with the migration and integration of Muslims in Spain (where Muslims had lived and ruled over parts for almost eight centuries) and in Canada (a country geographically distant). Visiting from 1st March to 30 June, as part of the Sciences Po Visiting Faculty Global Program.

Carlos Costa Ribeiro, Professor of Sociology, IESP/UERJ (Brazil). His research is dealing with social stratification around various topics: social mobility, social inequalities, transition to adulthood, educational stratification, social classes, race relations, cycles of life. Visiting from 19th September, during 5 weeks.

In 2021-2022

Marion Lieutaud, Fellow in Computational Social Science, LSE Department of Methodology. Visiting, du 1er juin au 31 août 2022 pour un séjour de recherche dans le cadre du programme de mobilité post-doctorale CIVICA.

Thomas A. DiPrete, Giddings Professor of Sociology, Columbia University in the City of New-York and Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP). Séjour à l'OSC du 14 avril au 8 juin 2022. Il travaille dans un mode comparatif sur les inégalités genrées lors de l'éducation puis des revenus du travail.

Mats Lillehagen, post-doctorant, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo. Visiting entre mars et décembre 2022. Il travaille avec Olivier Godechot sur les inégalités dans l'accès au marché du travail et aux postes à responsabilité, en raison de l'origine géographique ou ethnique.   

Léa Pessin, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Demography, Pennsylvania State University and affiliated with the Population Research Institute. Elle travaille à l'OSC du 1er février au 31 mars 2022 avec Zachary Van Winkle sur les conséquences croisées des situations familiales et professionnelles sur les parcours de vie.

Anna Carolina Venturini, post-doctorante au Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP), en visite à l'OSC du 1er février au 15 mars 2022. Elle collabore avec Marco Oberti dans une perspective comparatiste sur la question des politiques d'affirmative action dans l'enseignement supérieur, notamment les contrats d'éducation prioritaires à Sciences Po.

Mauricio Ernica, professeur à l'Université de Campinas (Unicamp - São Paulo). Il mène un projet de recherche en collaboration avec Agnès van Zanten sur les inégalités scolaires et leur relation avec les inégalités sociales au Brésil. Séjour du 1er février au 31 juillet 2022.

In 2019-2020

Thomas A. DiPrete, Giddings Professor of Sociology, Columbia University in the City of New-York and Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Research and Policy. Séjour à l'OSC du 2 janvier au 15 juin 2020. Il travaille sur les inégalités sociales, notamment genrées, en lien avec le système éducatif et le marché du travail.

Logo Covid 19
 Restricted activities due to the pandemic.

In 2018-2019

Ann Morning, Associate Professor of Sociology, New York University Arts & Science. Séjour à l'invitation du Département de sociologie de Sciences Po du 21 mai au 29 juin 2019. Elle s'intéresse à la formation et la réception des identités raciales et ethnoraciales ; elle interroge dans plusieurs articles et ouvrages le concept de race.

Marco Romito, chercheur postdoctoral au Département de sociologie de l'Université de Milan-Bicocca. Il étudie les inégalités éducatives au travers des parcours scolaires, en Italie. Il est accueilli à l'OSC pour un séjour de 3 mois, de mi-janvier à mi-avril 2019. Il travaille, avec l'aide d'Agnès van Zanten, sur l'orientation vers l'enseignement supérieur.

Chris Deeming, Chancellor's Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at Strathclyde University (Glasgow). Séjour de octobre à novembre 2018, sur invitation du Département de sociologie. C'est un spécialiste de sociologie politique (politiques sociales, Welfare State, types de régimes, approches économiques et redistribution).

Adalberto Cardoso, membre de l'Institut d'études sociales et politiques (IESP) de l'Université de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), chercheur associé à l'OSC. Invité, durant un congé sabbatique, de septembre 2018 à juillet 2019. Il travaille avec des chercheurs de l'OSC sur le programme Capes Cofecub les classes moyennes dans la ville : comparaison Paris - Rio de Janeiro. Domaines de recherche : sociologie du travail, sociologie urbaine (ségrégation, violence, éducation...).