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The Centre for Research on social InequalitieS (CRIS) is a joint Sciences Po / CNRS research centre.
Its members are affiliated with the Sciences Po's Sociology Department, and the Department of Economics for their teaching. They may be affiliated also with other research centres or programs at Sciences Po, such as LIEPP, Presage, MiDi, Axpo, Aire, Cities are back in Town.
CRIS is devoted to research that covers the multidimensionality of social inequality in contemporary societies. Its research program seeks to describe patterns and trends of inequality, analyze their mechanisms and inform and contribute to policy analysis in a world where inequality has become a major threat.
The centre has a strong tradition of comparative sociology highlighting the role of welfare state policies, institutional mechanisms and national narratives related to inequality.
CRIS is committed to theory-driven empirical research, drawing on a broad range of methods (qualitative, quantitative, experimental, etc.), adopting micro, meso and macro perspectives, and promoting interdisciplinary approaches for an integrated analysis of social inequalities in the social sciences.
CRIS faculty members are international experts in the study of different dimensions (gender, social class, migration background, etc.) and domains of inequality, such as education, family, life course, labor market and economic inequality, social mobility, urban segregation, migration, cultural consumption and digital technologies.
The research agenda of CRIS is also engaged in enhancing new perspectives in inequality studies such as environmental and digital inequality.
CRIS currently has 22 permanent researchers, 5 emeritus, 32 PhD students and a 7-member research support team.
Head of the CRIS is Carlo Barone, full professor (Professeur des universités) at Sciences Po.
Carlo Barone is a sociologist. He is member of the LIEPP - Educational Policies Research Group. His research focuses on social mobility, educational inequalities, the role of schools and family environements in learning skills. He uses experimental methods to study inequalities and discrimination and to provide input for decision-makers involved in educational policy.
- Henri Mendras (1988-1996)
- Philippe Besnard (1996-2001)
- Alain Chenu (2003-2013)
- Marco Oberti (2014-2018)
- Mirna Safi (2019-2024)
Teaching, doctoral training and supervision
The CRIS hosts PhD students enrolled in Sciences Po’s Doctoral Program in Sociology. The center stands out for its commitment to research training, guided from the beginning by its founding purpose: to train new and talented sociologists in line with the most recent theoretical and methodological developments in the discipline. Our doctoral students produce research that is intended for publication in peer-reviewed French and international journals.
To apply, please refer to the School of Research's admission procedure.
With over 30 PhD students fully integrated into the life of the center, the OSC plays an important role in doctoral training.
The CRIS' members teach a number of courses within the Sciences Po's campuses in Paris, Reims, Le Havre, Poitiers and Menton, into graduates and undergraduates programmes. They are also associate to the academic staff of the School of Public Affairs and Urban School.
The CRIS (previously OSC) was rated A+ by AERES (French Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher Education) in January 2013. Read the AERES evaluation (French)
The Hcéres (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) underlined in 2018 "... an undeniable level of scientific excellence: the number and quality of scientific productions, the very high level of international and national recognition, loads of requests for scientific expertise and the excellent employment of young doctors in the academic world." Read the Hcéres evaluation (French)
The latest evaluation, made in March 2024 by the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres), concluded that " CRIS is a very dynamic research unit, seen through the acquisition of own resources, many research contracts (...) and in the engagement of staff. It enjoys international recognition and visibility at all levels of the unit, both through the hosting of visiting researchers and through invitations from its members abroad. Its scientific output is excellent, as well as the value of its research work, including in relation to civil society.The CRIS is a reference laboratory on social inequalities in France and abroad, and can therefore count on the constant support of its academic authorities and a significant growth trajectory, based on a strong recruitment dynamic. The decision to avoid several axes in order to make all CRIS members work together is also to be credited to a medium-sized unit". Read the Hcéres 2024 report (French)
Célia Bouchet, 2022, PhD prize Annie Semal-Lebleu de l'Association laïque pour l'éducation, la formation, la prévention et l'autonomie (Alefpa)
Pauline Proboeuf, 2022, Prize Louis Cros awarded by Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
Laudine Carbuccia, Research prize for the PhD project, Mustela fundation, 2022
Angela Greulich, Junior Member, Institut Universitaire de France, 2021-2026
Mathieu Ferry, Young Researcher Prize, Fondation des Treilles, 2021
Jen Schradie, 2020, Charles Tilly Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book, by the ASA Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements, for the book "The revolution that wasn't"
Ettore Recchi, Best Publication Award by an International Scholar 2020 - ASA Global & Transnational Sociology
Alice Olivier, 2019, PhD Prize, Observatoire de la vie étudiante (OVE)
Marine Haddad, 2018, Young Author's Prize 2018, Population journal
Juliette Galonnier, 2018, ASA's Dissertation Award (American Sociological Association) for the dissertation "Choosing Faith and Facing Race: Converting to Islam in France and the United States"
Yoann Demoli, Panhard Prize 2018 (Automobile Club de France et Comité des Constructeurs Français d’Automobiles) for PhD work
Pauline Proboeuf, 2017, 27st Master Prize, Observatoire national de la vie étudiante (M2)
Marie Duru-Bellat, Doctor honoris causa, University of Liège
Agnès van Zanten, Doctor honoris causa, ULB (Bruxelles)
Gaëlle Larrieu, 2017, Second Prize by CNAF for her Master 2 thesis
Hugues Lagrange, 2017, Medal of Honor, CNRS
Agnès van Zanten, 2017, Corresponding Fellow, British Academy
Margot Delon, 2017, Caritas Research Prize (Institut de France / Fondation de recherche Caritas)
Agnès van Zanten, 2017, Gold Medal, CNRS
Agnès van Zanten, 2016, Doctor honoris causa, University of Geneve
Mathieu Ichou, 2015, ECSR Prize for the best PhD thesis
Lorraine Bozouls, 2015, Vinci Grant (French and Italy University Frame for promoting mobility)
Aden Gaide, 2015, Louis Gruel 1st Prize, Observatoire national de la vie étudiante for Master 2 thesis. Subject: Les temporalités de la maternité étudiante. Cycle de vie, temps du quotidien.
Edmond Préteceille, 2015, laureate of the Programme de chaire française with the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (project: La dynamique des classes moyennes dans l'évolution des structures spatiales des métropoles de Rio de Janeiro et São Paulo)
Juliette Galonnier, 2015, Presidential Fellowship, Northwestern University
Juliette Galonnier, 2014, Winch prize, best 2nd year Paper, Northwestern University
Yoann Demoli, 2014, Best Young Author GERPISA (in Kyoto colloquium)
Hugues Lagrange, 2013, Prix Seligmann against racism, injustice and intolerance
Olivier Godechot, 2013, CNRS Bronze Medal (French Webpage)
Agathe Voisin, 2013, Albert Memmi Prize
Anne-Sophie Cousteaux, 2012, Prize from Ville de Paris for gender studies
Laurent Lesnard, 2011, CNRS Bronze Medal (see PDF profile)
Ugo Palheta, 2011, Prize Louis CrosMarie Plessz, 2009, 3st Young Author Prize by Sociologie du travail
Thibaut de Saint Pol, 2009, Prix de la Ville de Paris, Trémolières Prize
Mathieu Ichou, 2009, 2nd CNAF Prize