Accueil>The emergence of health gaps in early life: the role of multidomain childhood deprivation
The emergence of health gaps in early life: the role of multidomain childhood deprivation
CRIS Scientific Seminar 2023-2024
Friday, May 17th 2024, 11:30 am
Sciences Po, Room K008 (1, St-Thomas-d'Aquin)
The emergence of health gaps in early life:
the role of multidomain childhood deprivation
Lidia Panico
Professeure des Universités, Sciences Po - CRIS
Evidence suggests that inequalities in health begin from the starting gate and that early childhood is crucial to understand the production of health inequalities in later life. A body of research has put an emphasis on multi-domain deprivation as a tool to better understand the lived experience of childhood disadvantage, rather than classic measures such as income poverty. However, the health inequalities literature still uses relatively simple concepts of (parental) “socio-economic status”, such as income, to describe health gaps in the early years.
In previous work, we proposed a conceptual framework and methods to construct multidomain, longitudinal indicators of early childhood deprivation (see below). In this paper, we apply these indicators to describe how multidomain deprivation links to early health. We will present results from the nationally representative French birth cohort Elfe, as well as preliminary results with harmonized data from the US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Birth cohort (ECLS-B) and the UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) to examine whether different national settings produce different patterns of inequalities across countries.
- Barbara Castillo Rico, Marion Leturcq, Lidia Panico, « La pauvreté des enfants à la naissance en France. Résultats de l'enquête Elfe », Revue des Politiques Sociales et Familiales, 2019/2-3, n° 131-132, p. 35-49.
[EN] Childhood poverty and deprivation at the starting gate in France. Examples using Elfe survey (p. 175-188) - Marion Leturcq & Lidia Panico, "The long-term effects of parental separation on childhood multidimensional deprivation: a lifecourse approach", Social Indicators Research, vol. 144, n° 2, p. 921-954.
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