Accueil>Inequalities in time use, risk and enjoyment across the UK pandemic


Inequalities in time use, risk and enjoyment across the UK pandemic

CRIS Scientific Seminar 2022-2023

Friday, December 9th 2022, 11:30 am
Sciences Po (13, rue de l'Université) - Room J208

Inequalities in time use, risk and enjoyment
across the UK pandemic

 Oriel Sullivan
Professor of Sociology of Gender
University College London (UCL)

Oriel Sullivan (UCL)Using a unique series of time use diary surveys, collected during all the main phases of the COVID19 pandemic in the UK, we present changes in activities (done in and out of doors) and their social context during 3 lockdowns, one period of relaxation of restrictions between lockdowns, and one after the end of all restrictions. We investigate differences in risk-related activities according to sex and age, and the relative enjoyment of those activities that increased during the pandemic (such as child care for parents).

Registration is mandatory. Thank you.

Oriel Sullivan is Professor of Sociology of Gender in the Social Research Institute and Co-Director of the Center for Time Use Research (CTUR), University College London  (UCL). Publications (Google Scholar)