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Non-standard work and children’s education consequences
The temporal dimension of parental employment: Temporary contracts, non-standard work schedules, and children’s education in Germany
Bastian Betthäuser, Nhat An Trinh, Anette Eva Fasang
European Sociological Review, jcad073,
Even though non-standard employment is on the rise, we still know little about how common non-standard work is amongst parents, and whether its negative consequences are further transmitted to their children. Using data from the German Microcensus (2012-2019), this article documents the prevalence and concentration of temporary employment and non-standard work schedules in households with children in Germany. It also examines the extent to which variation in this temporal dimension of parental employment is associated with children’s school track.
Results show that in about half of all German households with children in lower-secondary school at least one parent has a temporary contract or regularly works evenings or Saturdays. The authors find that children whose mother always works evenings or Saturdays are substantially less likely to transition to the academic school track. By contrast, they find no significant association between fathers’ non-standard work schedules and children’s school track and no evidence of an association between parents’ temporary employment and children’s school track placement.
These divergent findings highlight the importance of disaggregating non-standard work into its specific components and differentiating between mothers' and fathers' non-standard work when investigating the consequences of parental non-standard work for children’s educational and life chances.