Accueil>Pathways to Social Class: A Sequence Analysis of Class Histories in France
Pathways to Social Class: A Sequence Analysis of Class Histories in France
OSC Scientific Seminar 2020-2021
Friday 14th May 2021, 11:30 / 13:00 am (Zoom videoconference)
Pathways to Social Class: A Sequence Analysis of Class Histories in France
Marta Veljkovic
Doctorante, Sciences Po - OSC et INED
While it is generally accepted that life courses are largely structured by the social class to which one belongs, class trajectories have seldom been analyzed in the French context.
Our previous analyses have shown that while the degree of intragenerational mobility has changed (showing a slight increase of career fluidity across cohorts), the structure of this mobility has remained rather stable over time.
Based on this observation, this work focuses on the second dimension of mobility (i.e. its structure) and thus proposes to study the different routes to social classes. Using the retrospective survey Histoire de vie (Insee, 2003) and applying sequence analysis, it seeks to reconstruct the career paths of men and women in order to identify the typical trajectories of entry into different social classes; these class trajectories will then be analysed in the light of the social resources they are likely to share, particularly with regard to the individual’s social origin and level of education.
Registration is mandatory to join the ZOOM meeting (the link will be sent one day before).