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AGORAS - Improving the Governance of Organisations and Stakeholder Networks for Nuclear Safety (2014-2019)
This project, funded under the Investissements d'avenir programme, focused on nuclear safety after the Fukushima accident. Under the responsibility of Stéphanie Tillement from IMT Atlantique, it brought together Sciences Po, the Ecole des Mines de Paris, the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) and Orano (formerly Areva). Olivier Borraz was more specifically responsible for the nuclear accident preparedness component.
V-CARE - VolcaniC early awAREness (2019-2024)
This 2019 ANR project aims to develop an early warning system for volcanic eruptions. It is led by Georges Boudon of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, with Olivier Borraz, Maud Devès and Jan Verlin working more specifically on emergency management in Martinique.
ENGAGE - Engaging to enhance societal resilience (2020-2023)
This project, funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 programme, analyses crisis situations such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks and industrial accidents using seven case studies to understand how ordinary people supported formal response practices during emergencies in specific contextual conditions. Jan Verlin leads two lines of research.
COMEXT - Coordination of medical and non-medical teams in extreme situations (2021-2024)
This ANR project under the responsibility of Marie-Léandre Gomez (ESSEC) and with Jan Verlin as co-leader studies the coordination of first responder teams in extreme contexts and their coordination with hospital services to assess the impact of the increasing complexity in extreme situations on the coordination and decision making of first responders. It will determine the conditions for effective coordination by identifying success and failure factors in the organisation and coordination of responders in extreme crisis situations.
CRISORG - Organisations in crisis (2021-2022)
ANR 2020 funded project, with Olivier Borraz as principal investigator and conducted with Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel, Mathieu Corteel, Renaud Crespin, Cécile Fournier, Servane Gueben-Vénière, Anne Moyal, Etienne Nouguez, Valérie November and Audrey Vezian.
This research studied the response of different organisations to the Covid-19 pandemic at the national, local and healthcare system levels.
The mask crisis at the General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Taxes (2023)
Olivier Borraz and Jan Verlin
This research aims to draw lessons from the crisis caused by the massive arrival of masks in the spring of 2020, whose compliance review required a rapid adaptation by the DGDDI to take into account the constraints linked to the lack of masks in hospitals.
Olivier Borraz
Jan Verlin