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Alice Valiergue

Alice Valiergue has been a doctoral student in sociology at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris since 2018.
Her first doctoral research focused on the carbon offset market. Rooted in questions from the sociology of markets, her thesis explains how this market has developed despite the controversies it raises. In 2021, she published a book based on this research: Compensation Carbone. La fabrique d'un marché contesté.
Her post-doctoral research then focused on public action. She contributed to two collective surveys that examined the different levels of public action (from central to local) in a variety of sectors. The first focused on policies to combat methamphetamine use and trafficking in French Polynesia. Then, as part of an interdisciplinary team attached to the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique and the Sciences Po Health Chair, she contributed to the evaluation of an experiment involving a new mode of healthcare reimbursement.
At CrisisLab, she is currently working on the development of a new experimental method to prepare for crisis situations.
Olivier Borraz
Jan Verlin