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Christine Fassert

Christine Fassert is a socio-anthropologist currently working as a researcher at LATTS (Université Gustave Eiffel). She is interested in the political and institutional strategies of risk management and their consequences on populations and environments. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Science and Democracy Network (Harvard Business School).
From 2012 to 2020, she coordinated a research program at IRSN on the social and political consequences of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, with Medialab (Sciences po) and Tokyo Tech University in Japan. The project explored the various dimensions of “living after”, looking at the different scales of administration of the consequences of the accident, conflicts of legitimacy between institutions, and the consequences for local residents.
At LATTS, she is currently working on the conceptual redefinition of risks and crises in the light of the upheavals caused by climate change. She teaches the sociology of risks and disasters at Paris 1 Sorbonne, with a focus on the figuration of disasters in works of fiction.
Olivier Borraz
Jan Verlin