Home>Florian Opillard
Florian Opillard

Associate researcher
Florian Opillard is a geographer and sociologist, currently a researcher at IRSEM in the “Defense and Society” field. A doctoral student at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (2018), his thesis research examined the spatial dimension of urban social movements in the context of urban crises.
His current research concerns another crisis context, this time climate, focusing on military action in emergencies and climate security. He began by analyzing military crisis management mechanisms, drawing on surveys conducted as part of the ANR “ARMY” project (CEVIPOF/IRSEM), for which he was scientific coordinator. This project analyzed military mobilizations during the COVID-19 crisis in Europe and the United States: https://anrarmy.hypotheses.org.
The second part of his work concerns the production of discourse on the adaptation of the armed forces to climate change, and more specifically the organizational transformations of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the adaptations of HADR-type missions and the perception of these missions by senior French officers.
Finally, at IRSEM, he is in charge of a research project on the construction of “combat bodies”, which analyzes the incorporation of norms into military socialization in collaboration with sociologists of the military and sociologists of sport.
Olivier Borraz
Jan Verlin