While research on crises has a long history, this work does not always allow for the analysis of new critical situations. Therefore, this strand is committed to :
Produce an accessible summary of the knowledge produced on crises, as well as a collection of concrete cases of crisis management, useful for training purposes.
Conducting original research on the following topics in a comparative and transnational approach
- Cooperation and coordination in critical situations;
- Organisation of expertise and decision-making processes;
- Behaviour of populations;
- Mobilities (people, goods, ideas, viruses, data, etc.) and immobilities;
- Technologies, big data and social networks;
- Democratic and ethical issues.
The objective is to produce analytical frameworks, general questions and ideas for thinking about adaptation to and during crises. In particular, the aim will be to produce results that can then be the subject of experimentation to verify not only their validity but also the conditions of implementation and their effects. This research will bring together different audiences: university researchers, NGOs and company managers, and civil servants. These collaborations will be encouraged by the secondment of researchers to operational positions and, conversely, the carrying out of research work by civil servants or private or NGO managers.
Olivier Borraz
Jan Verlin