
Apave Group
Apave is an international group with over 150 years of experience in risk management. Its 13,000 employees work at the request of clients on regulatory and non-regulatory assignments related to risk management. Apave offers services and expertise in five areas: inspection, training, testing and measurement, certification and labels, consulting and technical support.
The Apave Group supports the Crisis-Lab through an agreement that finances two post-doctoral students for a period of three years each.

Directorate General for Civil Security and Crisis Management
Attached to the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories, the General Directorate for Civil Security and Crisis Management (DGSCGC) is the central structure responsible for organising and coordinating emergency services at the national level and on an interministerial basis.
The Crisis-Lab collaborates with the DGSCGC within the framework of a research agreement which aims to: improve knowledge of the organisation and functioning of civil security and public crisis management among researchers, decision-makers and the "active forces" of civil society; obtain the support of recognised researchers in the human and social sciences on the study of civil security or crisis management; complete the scientific watch on university research in human and social sciences that may be of interest to the DGSCGC.

Chair in the Geopolitics of Risk
The ENS-AXA Research Chair in the Geopolitics of Risk is a 10-year research programme (2015-2025) that seeks to join a range of disciplinary approaches to the politics of uncertainty in the global age. It unifies research in political science, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and law in order to re-visit the challenge of finding security in an age of the politics of uncertainty.
The Chair is hosted by the Department of Geography and Territories of the Ecole Normale Supérieure.

French National Geological Survey (BRGM)
BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s leading public institution for Earth Science applications for the management of surface and sub-surface resources with a view to sustainable development.
Under partnerships with numerous public and private stakeholders, BRGM focuses on scientific research, expertise and innovation. Its activity meets 4 objectives:
- understanding geological phenomena and related risks,
- developing new techniques and methodologies,
- producing and distributing data for surface, subsurface and resource management,
- providing the tools required to manage the surface, subsurface and resources, prevent risks and pollution, and manage policies in response to climate change.

The Institut des Hautes Études du Ministère de l'Intérieur (IHEMI) is a department of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas France, with national and interministerial responsibilities. It provides training for senior officials in the public and private sectors, and conducts scientific research. The partnership with CrisisLab aims to develop joint training initiatives in crisis management.

French Red Cross
The French Red Cross works to protect and unconditionally lift up people in vulnerable situations, and to build their resilience with them. The partnership with CrisisLab aims to develop training and research on citizen engagement.
Olivier Borraz
Jan Verlin