Motion to support Pinar Selek

Motion to support Pinar Selek

  • Justice pour Pinar SelekJustice pour Pinar Selek

The members of the Center for the Sociology of Organizations affirm their unconditional support for their colleague Pinar Selek, associate professor of sociology (Université Côte d'Azur / Urmis).

Pinar Selek has been relentlessly persecuted for twenty-five years in Turkey because of her research. She has been unjustly and heinously accused, convicted and imprisoned for a crime she did not commit. Four acquittals have been issued by the Turkish judiciary, but the Supreme Court of Turkey recently overturned the 4th acquittal issued on December 19, 2014 by the Istanbul Criminal Court. A hearing of this Criminal Court will be held on March 31.

His story is also emblematic of the risks to academic freedom, which have been increasing, including in France, in recent years. For these reasons, the members of the Sociology Center (UMR7116 Sciences Po - CNRS) are in solidarity with the delegations of personalities who will go to Turkey on March 31 to support Pinar Selek and join the mobilization groups around Pinar Selek to put an end to the legal and political persecution she has been suffering for 25 years.

In Paris, 08/03/2023

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