Promotion : Patrick Castel

Promotion : Patrick Castel

Research Director
of Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques
  • Patrick CastelPatrick Castel

Patrick Castel is promoted to Director of Research at the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques de Sciences Po.

Patrick Castel's work lies at the crossroads of the sociology of organizations, the sociology of professions and the sociology of science.

Three axes guide his research:

  • decision-making in organizations; 
  • the organization of work and the conditions of cooperation between professionals; 
  • the collective processes of formation of public action. 

Health is the privileged, but not exclusive, field of investigation. In particular, he has worked on policies for fighting obesity and innovation in cancer, on the organization of care for cancer patients and on Evidence-Based Medicine. He is particularly interested in the figure of the organizing clinician, as well as in the recomposition of work and care related to precision and digital medicine.

He has just published alongside Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz and François Dedieu Covid-19 : une crise organisationnelle at the Presses of Sciences Po.

See his page

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