Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier

Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier

At the cientific council of INRAE & the scientific committee the European chair for sustainable development and climate transition (Sciences Po)
  • Sophie Dubuisson-QuellierSophie Dubuisson-Quellier


INRAE is France's new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, created on January 1, 2020, It was formed by the merger of INRA, the National Institute for Agricultural Research, and IRSTEA, the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture.

The scientific council, directed by Philippe Gillet, was appointed to Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier at the scientific council.


On 25 November 2020, Sciences Po is launching the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition. It will be the first chair to be co-hosted by our two largest graduate schools: the School of Public Affairs, led by Dean Yann Algan, and the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), led by Dean Enrico Letta. The Chair would not be possible without the support of its three sponsors: Hermès, HSBC and the European Investment Bank.

The Scientific Committee is composed of external experts, faculty, EAP and PSIA Deans, and the Chair Holder, with an aim to annually validate strategic orientation of research, training, education, and outreach activities. 

Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier joins the scientific committee with :
Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University, New York ; President, Sustainable Development Solutions Network)
Laurence Tubiana (CEO, European Climate Foundation)
Julia Marton-Lefèvre (Chair, Board of Trustees, Bioversity International)
Sunita Narain (DG, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi)
Rizaldi Boer (Agriculture University of Indonesia, Bogor)
Roberto Lenton (Chair, Board of Governors, International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka)
Naoko Ishii (University of Tokyo ; Former CEO/Chair of the Global Environment Facility, Washington DC)
Carlos Lopes (University of Cape Town; African Union High Representative for Partnerships with Europe)

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