Fertile Markets: The making of a cross-border reproductive care market

Fertile Markets: The making of a cross-border reproductive care market

Eleni Tsingou, Professor at Copenhagen Business School
Séminaire doctoral du 24 février
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Le 24 février, Eleni Tsingou, Professor at Copenhagen Business School, fera une présentation qui a pour titre :
Fertile Markets: The making of a cross-border reproductive care market.

Résumé :

This paper explores how market governance develops in an institutional vacuum, by focusing on cross-border reproductive care, a growing phenomenon enabled by developments in medically assisted reproduction (MAR) and assisted reproductive technology (ART) services. The paper applies a political economy approach, outlining first the demand and supply side factors, such as national welfare provision, and cross-border regulatory variation on reproductive rights and available and permissible ART methods. It then explores how for-profit and not-for-profit actors create and govern this market, and how medical professionals engage in dual roles across this divide.

The paper explains that in these market-making roles different types of actors are serving as intermediaries and interact in different spaces, physical and virtual, to determine market standards and modes of operation. Specialist clinics and patient care organizations become providers and facilitators, and enable the market by combining medical and lay expertise and enhancing market messages of hope.

La séance se tient de 10h à 12h à la fois en présentiel à Sciences Po, sur le campus Saint-Thomas, salle K.011 et en distanciel sur zoom.

Si vous souhaitez y assister, merci de contacter Samia Ben.

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