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Public policy and transformations of the state program
Subject to continual reforms and transformations, the State remains a strongly contested presence in contemporary societies. The Public Policy and Transformations of the State programme analyses reconfigurations of the State, taking inspiration from a research tradition developed at the CSO beginning in the 1960s that pays special attention to the State’s “periphery”. Researchers in the programme further enrich this tradition by apprehending the State starting from its borders, drawing on the CSO’s wide array of theoretical and methodological approaches.
The borders of the State are analysed from three perspectives:
- The first examines the State with a focus on organisations situated at its borders, such as agencies. These organisations, which are established to modernize administrations, provide advantageous viewpoints for observing more general reconfigurations: they are sites where new relationships are formed between administrations and economic and social interests. Examining the State’s borders also enables researchers to investigate the elements that hold state institutions together despite significant organisational fragmentation.
- The second considers the State’s borders as a space of exchange between state and non-state actors (e.g., firms, associations, and professional groups). Central questions in this perspective include: What transactions take place at the State’s border? What forms of regulation do they sketch? How do they vary, historically and geographically? What is the situation of organisations and social groups that are kept or that keep themselves at a distance from these transactional spaces? How does this distance – endured or sought after – affect trust in the public authorities and in democracy?
- The third perspective envisions borders as the product of an undertaking to differentiate public actors from private. Whether it is an issue of circumscribing the scope of activities attributed to the market, limiting economic or professional monopolies, or defining the responsibilities of the public authorities, borders are the focal point of a demarcation that has momentous implications for the entirety of social activities.
The Public Policy and Transformations of the State programme engages in comparisons between sectors, periods, and countries with the aim of revitalizing the view of the State from its borders with society.
Programme directors: Jérôme Aust, Daniel Benamouzig and Clara Jacquot.
- New public management
- State/professional group relations
- State/firm relations
- State reforms and public policy instruments
- Agencies
- AGORAS (Amélioration de la Gouvernance des Organisations et des Réseaux d’Acteurs pour la S ûreté nucléaire)
- Analyse sociologique de l’engagement et du non-engagement dans le dépistage organisé du cancer colorectal
- Anses
- ANSM - Une agence dans son environnement
- CARTINUT : cartographie des influences en nutrition santé
- Co-activité et sûreté en Acte (COSEA)
- CORE : Le champ d’activité de la conservation-restauration des biens culturels
- Crisis and Change : the Reinvention of Public Health in France
- Domesticization of financial economies: the case of over-indebtedness
- EMERGENCE(S): Les réserves des musées de la Ville de Paris. Enquêtes sur les infrastructures de la conservation de l’art et du patrimoine
- H2020 HECAT - Disruptive Technologies Supporting Labour Market Decision Making
- HowSAFE (How States Account for Failure in Europe)
- InfoGouv : Informer pour gouverner. Les dynamiques institutionnelles des mondes de la gouvernance macroéconomique,
- La dynamique des professions des musées en France et aux États-Unis
- La financiarisation des économies domestiques : une approche interdisciplinaire et comparative
- Le rôle de la médecine hospitalière dans le signalement des maladies professionnelles liées aux pesticides
- Les effets organisationnels du développement des activités de pharmacie clinique en psychiatrie générale
- PolConso : le déploiement de la politique publique d’affichage environnemental
- Politiques et dispositifs d'intégration pour l'accompagnement des personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie - une comparaison européenne
- The Legalization of Organizational Life in France and the United States: Tensions between Individual Rights and the Collective Good
- The Worlds of Economic Forecasting. The Management of Uncertainty in the Economy
- Valerie Arnhold
- Alexis Aulagnier
- Jérôme Aust
- Aliénor Balaudé
- Anne-Laure Beaussier
- Daniel Benamouzig
- Henri Bergeron
- Emilie Biland-Curinier
- Olivier Borraz
- Sylvain Brunier
- Renaud Crespin
- Didier Demazière
- Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
- Charlotte Glinel
- Audrey Harroche
- Leonie Henaut
- Jean-Noël Jouzel
- Noé Kabouche
- Claire Lemercier
- Anne Moyal
- Christine Musselin
- Etienne Nouguez
- Julie Oudot
- Jérôme Pelisse
- Olivier Pilmis
- Charles Reveillere
- Nathan Rivet
- Sean Safford
- Marie Sautier
- Tonya Tartour