Home>Research>CRISIS Lab, studying crises
CRISIS Lab, studying crises
The Crisis-Lab, hosted by the CSO and co-founded by Olivier Borraz, Director of Research at the CNRS and ex-Director of the CSO, is a research, experimental and training hub in the human and social sciences working on adaptation to critical situations. Inspired by the principles of the Lab Schools founded in the 1960s by John Dewey, it seeks to identify innovative ideas, to experiment them on the ground, and then draw lessons for action and learning.
Crisis-Lab is an autonomous space driven by researchers in the human and social sciences with a long experience in studying crisises, working in close collaboration with crisis professionals, primarily in public organizations in charge of crisis management, but also in private companies and NGOs.
Crisis-Lab has three main objectives :
- Produce a state of the art in human and social sciences relative to crises,
- Develop training programs,
- To experiment, in the form of simulation exercises
Crisis Lab website : www.sciencespo.fr/crisis-lab/en/
Contact us
Adress : 1, place Saint-Thomas d’Aquin 75007 Paris
Mail : accueil.cso@sciencespo.fr