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Research programmes
The research conducted at the CSO concentrates on the State, markets, professions, work, law, and organisations. The interdisciplinary team, composed of sociologists, political scientists, and historians, employs an array of theoretical frameworks and combines various qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, such as interviews, questionnaires, observation, and analyses of networks, archives, and databases. Their research emphasizes a keen empirical approach to data collection, production, and analysis, as well as it features the frequent use of international and cross-sector comparisons to enable generalizations. The subjects of study are numerous, including higher education and research policies, environmental controversies, public health affairs, the economic behaviour of consumers, labour markets, crisis management, public policies regarding household finances, social network analysis, and more.
Research at the CSO is organized into 5 research programmes that share points of convergence so as to promote a collaborative dynamic and cross-sectoral thinking:
5 research programmes
Contact us
Adress : 1, place Saint-Thomas d’Aquin 75007 Paris
Mail : accueil.cso@sciencespo.fr