Kevin Mellet
Research Programs
- Governance, economic organizations program
- Knowledge, science, expertise program
Kevin Mellet's work lies at the crossroads of the fields of economic sociology, science & technology studies, and social studies of digital technologies.
His current research focuses on:
- the sociological and historical study of marketing, as an economic and social activity, of the professionals who carry out this activity, of their knowledge and their tools.
- the economic uses of digital technologies, captured through the practices of market intermediaries, businesses and consumers.
- the development and regulation of the personal data economy.
Sociological and economic perspectives on the market, firms and institutions (undergrad., Dijon Campus)
Sociology of work (School of Research, Master of Sociology – with Gwenaële Rot)
Sociology of marketing (School of Management and Innovation, Master “Marketing & Society”)
Consumption and marketing: A historical approach (School of Management and Innovation, Master's "Marketing & Society" - with Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel)
Inside the Digital Money Machine. An Exploration of Online Advertising and its Economic, Social and Political Implications (School of Management and Innovation)
Socioeconomics of social media (School of Management and Innovation, Master Communication, Media and Creative Industries)
- Sociologie du marketing (2023), Éditions La Découverte (collection Repères).
- “How online advertising targets consumers: The uses of categories and algorithmic tools by audience planners” (2023), New Media & Society (with Thomas Beauvisage, Jean-Samuel Beuscart, et Samuel Coavoux)
- "Building compliance, manufacturing nudges. The complicated trade-offs of advertising professionals facing the GDPR” (2023), in Katz, J. E., K. Schiepers & J. Floyd (Eds.), Nudging choices through media: Ethical and philosophical implications for humanity, NY: Palgrave Macmillan (with Thomas Beauvisage)
- "Cookie monsters. Anatomy of a digital market infrastructure” (2021), Consumption Markets & Culture, vol. 23, no 2, p. 110-129 (with Thomas Beauvisage).
- « Numérique et travail à-côté. Enquête exploratoire sur les travailleurs de l’économie collaborative » (2018), Sociologie du travail, 60.2 (with Thomas Beauvisage and Jean-Samuel Beuscart)
Co-head of the CSO doctoral seminar (since 2023)
Co-head of the “Governance, economic organizations” research program of the CSO (since 2022)
Co-head of Network J (Digital Economy) of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)
Scientific head of the Master’s degree “Marketing & Society” within the School of Management and Innovation at Sciences Po (since 2020)
Associate lecturer (PAST) at the University of Paris Est. Co-head of the Master’s degree in “business communication and social media” (2016-2019)
Habilitation à diriger des Recherches :
Pour une sociologie du marketing.
PhD in Economics, Paris Nanterre University (advisor: François Eymard-Duvernay)
Last Publications
- Mellet, Kevin and Jean-Philippe Berrou, ed(s). 2020. "Le mobile et ses usages en Afrique subsaharienne." Réseaux 1 (219).
- Berrou, Jean-Philippe, François Combarnous, Thomas Eekhout and Kevin Mellet. 2020. "Mon mobile, mon marché: Usages du téléphone mobile et performances économiques dans le secteur informel dakarois." Réseaux 1 (219): 105-142.
- Berrou, Jean-Philippe and Kevin Mellet. 2020. "Une révolution mobile en Afrique subsaharienne ?" Réseaux 1 (219): 11-38.