Patrick Castel

Research Programs
- Governance, economic organizations program
- Knowledge, science, expertise program
- Work, employment, professions program
Patrick Castel’s research is underpinned by a theoretical framework centered on three perspectives: the sociology of organized action, the sociology of medicine and professions, and the sociology of science.
Two main themes run through his research: the organization of medical activities and the processes of rationalization involved in this, and the processes of designing and implementing public healthcare policies.
Regarding the former, Castel has worked on the organization of patient management for cancer patients, the processes by which recommendations for clinical practice are produced and implemented, and the organization of clinical and translational research. He is particularly interested in the figure of the organizing clinician, as well as in the reconfigurations of work and of patient management resulting from digitization and the production of heterogeneous data.
In respect to the latter, Castel has collaborated with other CSO researchers on food and nutrition policies. This field proves instructive for studying the role of entrepreneurs, private actors, and knowledge relative to governance in the creation of public policy. His principal fieldwork has concerned obesity prevention and the market for food products bearing health claims.
- Henri Bergeron, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel, François Dedieu. Covid-19 : une crise organisationnelle. Presses de Sciences Po, pp.131, 2020. ⟨hal-02955791⟩
- Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel. Sociologie politique de la santé. Presses Universitaires de France, pp.504, 2018, Quadrige. ⟨hal-01890555⟩
- Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel, Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier, Jeanne Lazarus, Etienne Nouguez, et al.. Le biais comportementaliste. Presses de Sciences Po, pp.128, 2018. ⟨hal-01914970⟩
- Patrick Castel, Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel. La décision toujours en question. Entreprises et Histoire, 2019, 4 (97), pp.7 - 22. ⟨hal-02527437⟩
- Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel. Captation, appariement, réseau : une logique professionnelle d'organisation des soins. Sociologie du Travail, Association pour le développement de la sociologie du travail, 2010, 52 (4), pp.441 - 460. ⟨10.1016/j.soctra.2010.09.001⟩. ⟨halshs-00587055v2⟩
teaching activities
Sociology of organizations and collective action
Leadership, comportements et organisation
other activities
Deputy director CSO
Related Professional Activities
Head of the CSO doctoral program
Scientific coordinator of the Transformation of Organizations and Work Chair (
Member of the ANSM Scientific Advisory Board (web link:
Member of the HCSP "Evaluation, stratégie, prospective en santé publique" working group (internet link:
Editor-in-Chief of Sciences Sociales et Santé
HDR of sociology "Vers des médecins organisateurs ? Initiatives organisationnelles, professions et pouvoir à l’interface de la pratique et de la recherche cliniques" (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/Université Paris-Saclay)
Doctorate in Sociology (IEP de Paris)
DEA in sociology (IEP de Paris)
Graduate of Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lyon
Research Projects
Last Publications
- Bourret, Pascale, Patrick Castel, Henri Bergeron and Alberto Cambrosio. 2021. "Organizing precision oncology." New Genetics and Society 40 (1).
- Bourret, Pascale, Patrick Castel, Henri Bergeron and Alberto Cambrosio. 2021. "Organizing precision oncology: Introduction to the special issue." New Genetics and Society 40 (1): 1-6.
- Cambon, Linda, Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel, Valéry Ridde and François Alla. 2021. "Quand la réponse mondiale à la pandémie de COVID-19 se fait sans la promotion de la santé." Global Health Promotion 28 (2).
Press Release
- Pilmis, Olivier and Patrick Castel. 2020. "Le virus des biais. Ce que la crise du Covid-19 révèle du comportementalisme." Analyse opinion critique, June 12.
- Bergeron, Henri, Olivier Borraz, Patrick Castel and François Dedieu. 2020. "Après la crise : quelles formations pour relever les défis contemporains ?" AOC, June.
- Bergeron, Henri, Olivier Borraz and Patrick Castel. 2020. "Gestion de crise : comment tirer les leçons du coronavirus ?" AOC, April.