Subcontracting and greening ? Agricultural labour changes and ecological transition policies

Research Programs

  • Governance, economic organizations program
  • Public policy, transformations of the state program
  • Work, employment, professions program

Research Themes

  • Agricultural policies
  • Ecological transition
  • Technological innovations


Since september 2022 :
PhD candidate, Centre de Sociologie des Organisation, Sciences Po Paris
Thesis subject : Subcontracting and greening ? Agricultural labour changes and ecological transition policies
Co-supervisors : Sylvain Brunier et Jean-Noël Jouzel

November 2021 – April 2022
Researcher – “Interdisciplinary approaches to Pesticides- Related Health Effects in Africa – with a focus on Tanzania” (PREHEAT) Program
Institutions porteuses : Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Tanzanie), EHESS, CNRS, INSERM, Université Paris 13, Université de Bordeaux
Project n°3 : pesticide market and policy analysis in Tanzania

Juillet – Octobre 2021
Research assistant - Project « gouverner la distance : pesticides et santé des habitants, de la mesure scientifique aux mesures politiques » under the supervision of Sylvain Brunier and Jean-Noël Jouzel 


Yacoub P., “Advisors at the crossroad – the farm advisory market faced with the separation of farm advisory and pesticide selling (French case)”, Congrès de l’Association française de sociologie, session croisée RT12/RT38, july 4, 2023.

Yacoub P., “Les agriculteurs-entrepreneurs et leur clientèle : pluriactivité et conciliation des enjeux économiques et environnementaux”, Journées d’étude « Expériences de travail et carrières plurielles. La pluriactivité en questions », 20 juin 2023.

Research seminar organisation

Since 2023 - co-organisation of the "Sens Ecologique(s)" seminar (

Since 2024 - co-organisation of the program for work, employment and professions studies, CSO


“Grandes Enquêtes”, methodology in sociology, conférences de méthode (L2), Sciences Po Paris (2x24h) 

Teaching assistant for the student’s collective survey, Master of Sociology, Sciences Po Paris (30h)

“Industrial capitalism and environmental justice through a social science lens”, cours séminaire (L2-L3), Sciences Po Paris (16h), with Sylvain Brunier

« Introduction to sociology », conférences de méthode (L1), Sciences Po, Campus de Nancy (2 x 24h)


Masters in Environmental Policy – Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po Paris 

Master thesis in sociology : “Advisors at the crossroad – the farm advisory market faced with the separation of farm advisory and pesticide selling (French case)”, under the supervision of Sylvain Brunier

Double Bachelor in Law and Biology – Sorbonne University and Panthéon-Assas University, Paris

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