Doctoral Researchers

Public action, Health, Knowledge and expertise
Higher education policy analysis and research, Sociologie of evaluation & judgment
analysis of public action, sociology of professions , economic sociology
Sociology of law and justice, Sociology of gender and sexuality
Sociology of Science and Technology, Economic Sociology, Sociology of Organizations
work studies, Socio-legal studies, Access to justice
Public action, organizational policies, Institutional innovation, Transport and development
Science studies, Sociology of Law, Environmental Justice
Sociologie des professions , Sociologie de l'action publique, sociologie des croyances et des savoirs, Sociologie de la santé
Quantification sociology, Public governance of forests, Environmental sociology, Sociology of work
Urban farming, Funding of the voluntary sector, Food systems
Economic Sociology
Sociology of food, Medical and care, Social movments
Sociology of public action, Sociology of health, Territorial communities
Moral and Market, Sustainable finance, Social movments
sociology of organizations, Sociology of professions, Ambulatory organizations
Health policy
Sociology of health, Sociology of professions, Sociology of public policy
Sciences and Technology Studies , Sociology of Health and Medicine, Gender and sexualities
Sociology of work, Sociology of social movments
Learning, Professional training
Dietary transition
Higher Education and Research, Science, Economy and Society, Human and Social Sciences
Reform and transformation of the state, Social politics, Poverty
Sociology of law, Sociology of sexuality, Sociology of gender
Prison, Jail and penal policies, Contracts, public procurement, public-private partnerships and private finance initiative, Outsourcing, privatization, subcontracting, Administrations reforms
Internationalisation of Higher Education and Research, Evaluation practices in academia , Sociology of careers
Gender and sexuality, Anti-discrimination policies, Work and industry
Sociologie de l'action publique , Sociologie des administrations, Planification écologique, ZAN (zéro artificialisation nette)
Insecurity of employment, Professional careers, Employment policy
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