Who Cooperates with Whom in Mixed-Gender Teams? Paying to Cross the Gender Gap / CANCELLED

Who Cooperates with Whom in Mixed-Gender Teams? Paying to Cross the Gender Gap / CANCELLED

Talk with David C. Stark, Columbia University - February 8, 2022
  • David C. StarkDavid C. Stark

David C. Stark will be visiting the CSO to give a talk on: 
Who Cooperates with Whom in Mixed-Gender Teams?: Paying to Cross the Gender Gap.

David C. Stark is professor of sociology at Columbia University and professor of social science at the University of Warwick. He studies economic and cultural networks, innovation, and processes of valuation in finance and other settings.

Talk on February 8 at 14h, 2022. The room will be at Sciences Po, (on the new campus), K.011 in building M, 1 place Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Paris. 


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