Reiko Hasegawa



Post-doctorante pour CrisisLab (décembre 2023- mai 2025)

Research Fellow, Médialab Sciences Po (Programme « Politiques de la Terre ») Paris, FRANCE (de mai 2015 à mars 2018)

Voir le CV complet


Non-peer reviewed

Fassert, C. et Hasegawa, R. (2019) SHINRAI Research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences, case studies from Fukushima prefecture. Rapport IRSN/2019/00178.

Hasegawa, R. (2015) Returning Home after Fukushima? Displacement from a Nuclear Disaster and International Guidelines for IDPs. IOM Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series. Issue 4/Vol.1/September 2015. IOM, Genève.

Shirabe, M., Fassert, C., and Hasegawa, R. (2015) ‘Risk Communication’ to Participatory Radiation Risk Assessment. Workshop on ‘Understanding and Communicating Risks Post-Fukushima’, at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) à Tokyo, 12–13 Novembre 2015.

Hasegawa, R. (2013) Disaster Evacuation from Japan’s 2011 Tsunami Disaster and the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. Study No. 05/13, IDDRI. Mai 2013, Paris.

Press/blog articles

Hasegawa, R. (2016) Five years on for Fukushima’s IDPs: Life with radiological risk and without a community safety net. Blog Post on 11 Mars 2016. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (iDMC), Genève. gical-risk-and-without-a-community-safety-net?platform=hootsuite

Gemenne, F. and Hasegawa, R. (2016). Les leçons belges de Fukushima. Une tribune à La Libre Belgique, le 18 Janvier 2016. a


Doctorat en Droit Public (2018-2023) -Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3, France 
Thèse « The Protection of Persons in Nuclear Disasters: The Case of Environmentally Displaced and Trapped Persons in Fukushima Nuclear Accident », soutenue le 3 juillet 2023, sous la direction de Philippe BILLET

Master en Relations Internationales, Analyse de Conflits (1998) - Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Canada
Spécialisation: Résolution de conflits et assistance humanitaire

Licence en Geopolitique, Economie et Business (1996) - Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
Spécialisation: Politique de développement International

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