Social protest and its futures

Social protest and its futures

Registration to the Workshop - June 1st at Sciences Po
  • La contestation sociale et ses futursLa contestation sociale et ses futurs


Thursday, June 1st, 2023 from 9am to 4pm, at SciencesPo, Salle Goguel, B-56 rue des Saints-Pères.

(The entrance must be done by the 27 rue St Guillaume).

Madeleine Sallustio, CNRS post-doctoral fellow on the project: Conjugating the perspective of collapse with protest engagement. The case of European "autonomous environments" analyzed from the perspective of multiple temporalities - Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the CNRS

  • No planned zoom.

In what future temporalities are contemporary mobilizations inscribed?
In terms of social protest, the hopeful future and the conviction that a better future is within reach have long marked revolutionary rhetoric and progressive political fervor.
But is this enthusiastic "until then" a temporality that still belongs to contemporary imaginaries of struggle? Does the idea of a global and permanent "crisis" have repercussions on the nature and form of social protest? What conflicts of temporality exist between the demands of civil society and the functioning of public action? Are the actors on the ground withdrawn into "presentist" or "collapse" temporalities, where urgency (anticipated or experienced) favors individualistic withdrawal? Are they digging, in spite of disappointments and anxiety about the future, the furrow of utopian projects of collective emancipation?

Through a transdisciplinary discussion and on the basis of works based on fields in Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, France, Italy and Belgium, this study day wishes to take note of the diversity of temporal interactions that exist in contemporary social protest.

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