Multiple Competitions in Higher Education

Multiple Competitions in Higher Education

Anna Kosmützky, Leibniz University Hannover
Webinaire "Enseignement supérieur et recherche" - 28/05
  • Golden Sikorka/SHUTTERSTOCKGolden Sikorka/SHUTTERSTOCK

The "Higher Education and Research" seminar at Sciences Po is organized by the CSO under the co-direction of Jérôme Aust and Christine Musselin. Its aim is to present and discuss research conducted in France, but also in Europe and other parts of the world, on higher education and research. It is open to all experts, practitioners, researchers, teacher-researchers and doctoral students interested in these issues. Sessions are configured around a single speaker, French or foreign, leaving plenty of room for discussion.

Webinar Tuesday May 28, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 2 pm - Link to register 

Anna Kosmützky, Professor for "Methodology of Higher Education and Science Research“ at the Leibniz University Hannover

Multiple Competitions in Higher Education

Multiple Competitions in Higher Education Competition is a core theme in the sociology of science and higher education as exemplified by classic texts by Robert K. Merton and Pierre Bourdieu. However, more recently one can observe a strong increase in competition, leading to a multiplication of competitions. In the webinar, multiple competitions are conceptualized by focusing on the interrelated dynamics of the science system, the state and the university. In an international comparative perspective, empirical evidence is presented and implications for science and higher education policy-making are discussed.

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