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Visiting with us...

Visitors book
(credits: Shutterstock / Malgosia Janicka)

During the Winter-Spring Semester, the Department is hosting Jean-Édouard COLLIARD (HEC Paris).

Jean-Édouard Colliard is Associate Professor of Finance at Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) de Paris, which he joined in 2014. He is a Member of the ACPR Chair "Regulation and Systemic Risks" (link in French). He is also a member of the Finance Theory Group and a Research Affiliate of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and of the European Money and Finance Forum (SUERF). Among his editorial duties he is an Associate Editor of the Journal Management Science.

His research studies how financial institutions and frictions impact the functioning of financial markets, the formation of prices and the allocation of resources and risks in the economy. He is particularly interested in banking and market microstructure, and on the role of technology and digital transformation in these contexts. His research has been published in the leading finance and management journals. He has received a number of prizes, the latest of which being the Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance Award of IEF / Foundation SCOR in 2022.

Jean-Édouard Colliard's website

Professor Colliard will be staying with us from January 7th to June 14th, 2025.

Portrait of Valerio della Corte

Valerio della CORTE is a Senior Economist (Advisor) at the Banca d'Italia in the Balance of Payments Analysis Division of the DG Economics, Statistics and Research. He researches and analyses policy on cross-border portfolio investment, FDI, Non-Bank financial intermediaries and international trade. He was awarded a PhD in Economics from the Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in 2022. He was a visiting scholar at the Einaudi Institute for Economic Research (EIEF) during the final year of his PhD.

His research focuses on international finance and non-bank financial institutions. His secondary research interests include international trade and machine learning for economic forecasting.

Valerio della CORTE's website

Valerio della Corte will be visiting with us from January 27th to May 30th, 2025.

Our partners

Institutional partnerships for research and innovation

  • CNRS
  • Banque de France
  • The CORE Project 
  • The Kellen Foundation

Other research centres

  • LEPI
  • OFCE