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Departmental Seminar

Stylised calendar data statistics
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Departmental Seminars are research seminars which focus on the field of our guest speakers who come from universities all over the world to spend a day or two with us. Meetings with the seminar speakers are an important component of the Departmental Seminar. PhD students, in particular those in their third or fourth year, should use this unique opportunity to talk about their work. 

Mondays, from 12.30 - 1.45 pm

The Departmental Seminar series is organised by Jeanne Commault and Paul Bouscasse.
Administrative correspondent: Stéphanie Berrebi (email)

*NEW* If you would like to schedule an appointment with our guest speaker, register online (Google form)

Upcoming seminar


September 2nd - Marinho BERTANHA (U of Notre Dame)
Causal Effects in Matching Mechanisms with Strategically Reported Preferences

September 9th - Olivier DESCHENES (UCSB)
Equity Impacts of Emission Markets: Evidence form the NOx Budget Program

September 16th - Dmitry TAUBINSKY (UC Berkeley)
When Do “Nudges” Increase Welfare?

September 30th - Paula BUSTOS (ICREA-UPF and BSE)
The Effects of Climate Change on Labor and Capital Reallocation

November 4th - Paula ONUCHIC (LSE)

November 25th - Michal BAUER (CERGE-EI)

December 9th - Dita ECKARDT (U of Warwick) 


The schedule will be published later this Fall.

Fall Semester 2023

September 4th - Axelle FERRIÈRE (Paris School of Economics)
Escaping the Losses from Trade: The Impact of Heterogeneity and Skill Acquisition

September 11th - Francesco DECAROLIS (Bocconi)
Past Performance and Procurement Outcomes

September 25th - David THESMAR (Visiting, on leave from MIT Sloan)
The Effects of Mandatory Profit-Sharing on Workers and Firms: Evidence from France

October 2nd - Vincent STERK (University College London)
Optimal Monetary Policy during a Cost-of-Living Crisis

October 9th - Federica ROMEI (Oxford)
Inequality, Demand Composition, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy

*EXCEPTIONAL joint seminar with Applied Micro* November 13th - Joseph ALTONJI (Yale)
Returns to Specific Graduate Degrees: Estimates Using Texas Administrative Records

November 20th - Lindsey MACMILLAN (University College London)
Occupational Hazard: Inequalities in Labour Market Mismatch

*CANCELLED* December 4th - Dorothea KÜBLER (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)


February 26th - Jonathan HEATHCOTE (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
The Great Resignation and Optimal Unemployment Insurance

*CANCELLED* March 4th - Rachel GRIFFITH (University of Manchester)
The Effects of Sin Taxes and Advertising Restrictions in a Dynamic Equilibrium

March 18th - Michèle TERTILT (University of Mannheim)
The Political Economy of Laws to "Protect'' Women

April 22nd - Barbara BIASI (Yale School of Management)
How Political Institutions Shape Education Spending: Supermajority Requirements in U.S. School Capital Investments
*Joint with Applied Micro Seminar: to meet the speaker, please fill out Applied Micro Google form*

April 29th - Dave DONALDSON (MIT)
Putting Quantitative Models to the Test: An Application to Trump’s Trade War

May 13th - Camille LANDAIS (LSE)
Gender Without Children

May 28th - Francesca MOLINARI (Cornell)
Inference for an Algorithmic Fariness-Accuracy Frontier
*Joint with Econometrics Seminar: to meet the speaker, please fill out the Econometrics Seminar Google form*

June 24th - Ilyana KUZIEMKO (Princeton)
The Cold War and American Labor

September 5th - Martin B. HOLM (University of Oslo)
A Parsimonious Model of Idiosyncratic Income

September 12th - Fedor ISKHAKOV (Australian National University)
Equilibrium Trade in Automobiles

September 19th - Christine L. EXLEY (Harvard Business School)
The Gender Gap in Confidence: Expected But Not Accounted For

September 26th - Shengwu LI (Harvard University)
Investment Incentives in Truthful Approximation Mechanisms

October 3rd - Rafael DIX-CARNEIRO (Duke University)
Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations

October 10th - Sara HELLER (University of Michigan)
Predicting and Preventing Gun Violence: Experimental Evidence from READI Chicago

October 17th - Kevin O'ROURKE (University Abu Dhabi)
The Empire Project: Trade policy in Interwar Canada

November 7th - Jean-Paul RENNE (University of Lausanne)
Fiscal Limits and Sovereign Credit Spreads

November 14th - Tommaso PORZIO (Columbia Business School)
Transforming Institutions: Labor Reallocation and Wage Growth in a Reunified Germany

November 21st - Aureo DE PAULA (University College London)
Spillovers in Social Programme Participation: Evidence from Chile

November 28th - Eric MENGUS (Visiting Faculty, on leave from HEC Paris)
Within-Firm Services and Firm Capabilities

December 5th - Javier BIANCHI (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
Bank Runs, Fragility, and Credit Easing

December 12th - Johannes SPINNEWIJN (London School of Economics)
Predicting Long-term Unemployement Risk

December 19th - Adrien AUCLERT (Stanford University)
Optimal Long-Run Fiscal Policy with Heterogeneous Agents

February 20th - Steven DURLAUF (University of Chicago)
A Trajectories-Based Approach to Measuring Intergeneration

March 6th - Volker NOCKE (University of Mannheim)
Consumer Search and Choice Overload

March 13th - Andrei LEVCHENKO (University of Michigan)
Information Frictions and News Media in Global Value Chains

March 20th - Kirabo JACKSON (Northwestern University)
What Impacts Can We Expect from School Spending Policy? Evidence from Evaluations in the U.S.

March 27th - Chris ROTH (University of Cologne)
Home Price Expectations and Spending: Evidence from a Field Experiment

April 3rd - Christopher FLINN (New York University)
Labor Market Returns to Personality: A Job Search Approach to Understanding Gender Gaps

*CANCELLED* April 24th - Francesco DECAROLIS (Bocconi University)

May 15th - Michael PETERS (Yale University)
Immigration, Innovation, and Spatial Economic Development - Theory and Evidence from the Age of Mass Migration

May 22nd - Salvatore NUNNARI (Bocconi University)
Coordination with Noise

June 5th - Vittorio BASSI (University of Southern California)

*CANCELLED* June 19th - Armin FALK (University of Bonn)

September 6th - Basile GRASSI (Visiting on leave from Bocconi)
Bottom-up Markup Fluctuations

September 13th - Hamish LOW (Oxford)
House Price Rises and Borrowing to Invest

September 20th - Thierry FOUCAULT (Visiting on leave from HEC Paris)
Does Alternative Data Improve Financial Forecasting? The Horizon Effect

September 27th - Jan DE LOECKER (Leuven University)
The Welfare Impact of Market Power: The OPEC Cartel

October 4th - Eliana LA FERRARA (Bocconi)
The nerds, the cool and the central. Peer education and teen pregnancy in Brazil

October 11th - Axel GOTTFRIES (University of Edinburgh)
Infrequent Wage Adjustment and Unemployment Dynamics

October 18th - Gerard VAN DEN BERG (University of Groningen)
Economic Conditions at Birth and Later-Life DNA Methylation Age Acceleration

November 8th - François GEEROLF (UCLA)
The Phillips Curve: a Relation between Real Exchange Rate Growth and Unemployment

November 15th - Mar REGUANT (Northwestern)
The Distributional Impacts of Real-Time Pricing

November 22nd - Benjamin FABER (Berkeley)
Responsible Sourcing? Theory and Evidence from Costa Rica

November 29th - Roland BÉNABOU (Visiting on leave from Princeton)
It Hurts to Ask

December 6th - Kyle HERKENHOFF (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and UNM)
Changing Income Risk Across the US Skill Distribution: Evidence from a Generalized Kalman Filter

December 13th - Olivier WANG (Stern Business School, New York Univerity)
Zombie Lending and Policy Traps

February 14th - Sule ALAN (European University Institute)
Improving Workplace Climate in Large Corporations: A Clustered Randomized Intervention

February 15th - Costas MEGHIR (Visiting Faculty, on leave from Yale University)
Marriage, Labor Supply and the Dynamics of the Social Safety Net

February 22nd - Rodrigo PINTO (University of California at Los Angeles)
Economics of Monotonicity Conditions

March 7th - Elisa GIANNONE (Penn State)
Unpacking Moving

March 14th - Klaas MULIER (Ghent University)
Climate Regulation, Firm Emissions, and Green Takeovers

March 21st - Aislinn BOHREN (University of Pennsylvania)
Representing Heuristics as Misspecified Models

March 28th - Sevgi YUKSEL (University of California at Santa Barbara)
Discrimination Without Reason: Biases in Statistical Discrimination

April 4th - Robert MILLER (Carnegie Mellon University)
Job Search and Matching by Race and Gender

April 11th - Song MA (Yale University)
The Education-Innovation Gap

April 25th - Yael HOCHBERG (Rice University) 
The Virtuous Cycle of Innovation and Capital

May 2nd - *cancelled*

May 9th - Ilyana KUZIEMKO (Princeton University)
"Compensate the Losers?” Economy-Policy Preferences and Partisan Realignment in the US

May 23rd - Jonathan ROTH (Brown University)
Design-based Uncertainty for Quasi-Experiments

May 30th - Florian ZIMMERMANN (briq and University of Bonn)
Design-based Uncertainty for Quasi-Experiments

June 13th - Michaela PAGEL (Columbia University)
The Effects of Stock Ownership on Individual Spending and Loyalty

*exceptional scheduling* June 21st - Raquel FERNÁNDEZ (NYU)
Universal Basic Income: A Dynamic Assessment

Fall Semester

September 14th – David SRAER (Visiting on leave from UC Berkeley)
A Quantitative Analysis of Distortions in Managerial Forecasts

September 21st – Toru KITAGAWA (UCL)
Constrained Classification and Policy Learning

September 28th – Natalia FABRA (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Market Power and Price Discrimination: Learning from Changes in Renewables Regulation

October 5th – Emmanuelle AURIOL (TSE)
God insures those who pay? Formal insurance and religious offerings in Ghana

October 12th – Roland RATHELOT (Visiting on leave from Warwick University)
Job Search during the COVID-19 Crisis

October 19th – Martin BERAJA (MIT)
Data-intensive Innovation and the State: Evidence from AI Firms in China

*POSTPONED* November 2nd – Kurt MITMAN (Stockholm University)

November 9th – Farid TOUBAL (ENS Paris Saclay)
Corporate tax avoidance and industry concentration

November 16th – Kirill BORUSYAK (UCL)
Non-Random Exposure to Exogenous Shocks: Theory and Applications

November 23rd – Konrad BURCHARDI (IIES, Stockholm University)
Credit Constraints and Capital Allocation in Agriculture: Theory and Evidence from Uganda

November 30th – Marion GOUSSÉ (Visiting on leave from Laval University)
Marriage and Cohabitation. A General Equilibrium Model

December 7th – Nikhil VELLODI (PSE)
Ratings Design and Barriers to Entry

Winter-Spring Semester

March 8th – Botond KOSZEGI (CEU)
Procrastination Markets

March 15th – Michael BEST (Columbia)
The Allocation of Authority in Organizations: A Field Experiment with Bureaucrats

March 22nd – Antonio GUARINO (UCL)
Financial Transaction Taxes and the Informational Efficiency of Financial Markets: A Structural Estimation

March 29th – Esther DUFLO (MIT)
Encouraging Social Distancing: Evidence from Several Randomized Controlled Trials

April 12th – Jan NIMCZIK (ESMT Berlin)
Granular Search, Market Structure, and Wages

April 19th – Noam YUCHTMAN (LSE)

May 3rd – Stéphane DUPRAZ (Banque de France)
A Pitfall of Cautiousness in Monetary Policy

May 10th – Franklin ALLEN (Imperial College London)
Asset Price Booms and Macroeconomic Policy: a Risk-Shifting Approach

May 17th – Kurt MITMAN (IIES, Stockholm University)
Why Does Capital Flow from Equal to Unequal Countries?

June 7th – Kiminori MATSUYAMA (Northwestern)
Three Classes of CRS Production Functions and their Applications to Monopolistic Competition

June 14th – Abhijit BANERJEE (MIT)
Trust and Efficiency in the Market for Healthcare in Low-income Countries

Fall Semester

September 2nd - Joseph STIGLITZ (Columbia)
Characterization, Existence, and Pareto Optimality in Markets with Asymmetric Information and Endogenous and Asymmetric Disclosures: Basic Analytics of Revisiting Rothschild-Stiglitz

September 9th - Julien SAUVAGNAT (Bocconi)
Employment Effects of Alleviating Financing Frictions: Worker-Level Evidence from a Loan Guarantee Program

September 16th- Kjetil STORESLETTEN (Univeristy of Oslo)
Business cycle during structural change: Arthur Lewis' Theory from a neoclassical perspective

September 23rd - Jonathan HEATHCOTE (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
Optimal Income Taxation: Mirrlees Meets Ramsey

September 30th - Scott GEHLBACH (University of Chicago)
Obfuscating Ownership

October 7th - Maria GUADALUPE (INSEAD)
The Perfect Match: Assortative Matching in Mergers and Acquisitions

October 14th - Yinghua HE (Rice University)
Leveraging Uncertainties to Infer Preferences: Robust Analysis of School Choice with Lotteries

October 21st - Gianluca VIOLANTE (Princeton)
Firm and Worker Dynamics in a Frictional Labor Market

November 4th - Nora SZECH (Karslruhe Institute of Technology)
The (In)Elasticity of Moral Ignorance

November 18th - Moshe BUCHINSKY (UCLA)

November 25th - Mark DEAN (Columbia)

December 2nd - Corinne BOAR (New York University)

December 9th - Mohammad AKBARPOUR (Stanford)

December 16th - Philippe AGHION (Paris School of Economics)

Winter-Spring Semester

January 13th - Johannes ABELER (Oxford)
Shrouded Attributes of Workplace Incentive Contracts: The Case of the Ratchet Effect

January 27th - Isabelle MEJEAN (École Polytechnique)
Search Frictions in International Good Markets

February 10th - Joël VAN DER WEELE (CREED, University of Amsterdam)
Self-Persuasion: Evidence from Field Experiments at Two International Debating Competitions

February 24th - Nicolas SCHUTZ (University of Mannheim)
An Aggregative Games Approach to Merger Analysis in Multiproduct-Firm Oligopoly

March 2nd - Chris BLATTMAN (Harris School of Public Policy, Chicago)
Gang Rule: Understanding and Countering Criminal Governance

March 9th - Claire MONTIALOUX (UC Berkeley)
Minimum Wage and Racial Inequality

*POSTPONED* March 16th - Samad SARFERAZ (ETH Zürich)

*POSTPONED* March 23rd - Michael BEST (Columbia)

*POSTPONED* March 30th - Michael PETERS (on leave from Yale)

*POSTPONED* April 6th - Gregor JAROSCH (Princeton)

*POSTPONED* April 20th - Konrad burchardi (IIES, Stockholm University)

*POSTPONED* April 27th - Gerard VAN DEN BERG (University of Bristol)

*POSTPONED* May 4th - Franklin ALLEN (Imperial College London)

*POSTPONED* May 11th - Jessica PAN (National University of Singapore)

*POSTPONED* May 18th - Frederico FINAN (UC Berkeley)

*POSTPONED* June 8th - Kiminori MATSUYAMA (Northwestern University)

June 15th - Milo BIANCHI (TSE)
Return Predictability, Expectations, and Investment: Experimental Evidence