Home>2024 Summer Workshops in Economics - June 10 & 11th



2024 Summer Workshops in Economics - June 10 & 11th

About this event

From 10 June 2024 09:00 to 11 June 2024 17:30

Organized by

Department of economics

*This page will be regularly updated with the details of the programmes of our workshops: be sure to save it in your browser!*

Paris will be hopping with the imminent advent of the Summer Olympics but we are pleased to announce that we are still be holding our Summer Workshops in Economics on June 10 & 11th, 2024.

For this 2024 edition, we will be hosting three workshops:

  • our now 'traditional' Summer Workshop in Macroeconomics - our 14th edition this year! 
  • our 3rd edition of our Summer Workshop in Sustainable Finance
  • a *new* Summer Workshop in Microeconomic Theory 

1st Summer Workshop in Microeconomic Theory - June 10th

Venue: Department of Economics - 28, rue des Saints Pères, 75007 Paris - Ground floor - Simone Veil Amphitheatre

Organiser: Eduardo PEREZ (Sciences Po) 

Guest speakers:

09.00 - 09.20 - Welcome and coffee

09.25 - 10.20 - Franz Ostrizek (Sciences Po)

10.20 - 11.15 - Laure Goursat (Sciences Po)
Whether and Where to Apply? Information and Discrimination in Matching with Priority Scores

11.15 - Coffee

11.35 - 12.30 - Adrien Vigier (University of Nottingham)

12.30 - 14.00 - Lunch (buffet)

14.00 - 14.55 - Nathan Hancart (University of Oslo)
The Optimal Menu of Tests

14.55 - 15.50 - Victor Augias (University of Bonn)
Price Discrimination with Redistributive Concerns (with D. Barreto and A. Ghersengorin)

15.50 - Coffee

16.20 - 17.15 - Matteo Escudé (LUISS)
Transparent Allocation with Costly Falsification (with P. Gottardi)

19.30 - Dinner (upon invitation)

Download programme (PDF 91.49 KB)


This event is funded by the European Union (ERC, IMEDMC,GA N° 101001694).


3rd Summer Workshop in Sustainable Finance - June 10 & 11th

Venue: Department of Economics - 28, rue des Saints Pères, 75007 Paris - 4th floor - Jean-Paul Fitoussi Conference Room

Organisers : Stéphane GUIBAUD (Sciences Po), François DERRIEN (HEC Paris), and Jean-Stéphane MÉSONNIER (Banque de France and Sciences Po).

Guest speakers :

14.00 - 14.55 - Elise Gourier (ESSEC)
A Greenwashing Index (with H. Mathurin)

14.55 - 15.50 - Stefano Ramelli (University of St. Gallen)
Green Sentiment, Stock Returns, and Corporate Behavior (with M. Brière)

15.50 - Coffee

16.20 - 17.15 - Emilia Garcia-Appendini (Norges Bank and University of Zurich)
Credit Supply and Green Investments (with A. Accetturo, G. Barboni, Giorgia, M. Cascarano and M. Tomasi)

17.15 - 18.10 - Stefano Lovo (HEC Paris)
Carbon Information, Pricing, and Bans. Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Y. Handziuk)

19.30 - Dinner (upon invitation)

09.00 - 09.25 - Welcome and coffee

09.25 - 10.20 - Lakshmi Naaraayanan (London Business School)
The Real Effects of Environmental Activist Investing (with K. Sachdeva and V. Sharma)

10.20 - 11.15 - Victor Saint-Jean (Sciences Po)
Exit or Voice? Divestment, Activism, and Corporate Social Responsibility

11.15 - Coffee

11.35 - 12.30 - Arthur Romec (TBS)
Climate Change and Mutual Fund Voting on Climate Proposals (with A. Di Giuli and A. Garel and R. Michaely)

12.30 - 13.30 - Lunch (buffet)

Download programme (PDF 128.8 KB)

This event is co-sponsored by Sciences Po, Department of Economics, HEC, and the Banque de France, as part of the Banque de France-Sciences Po partnership.


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14th Summer Workshop in Macroeconomics - June 11th

Venue: Department of Economics - 28, rue des Saints Pères, 75007 Paris - Ground floor - Room H 101

Organisers : Jean BARTHELEMY (Banque de France), Nicolas CŒURDACIER (Sciences Po), Jeanne COMMAULT (Sciences Po).

Guest speakers :

09.00 - 09.20 - Welcome and coffee

Consumption and Savings

09.25 - 10.20 - Patrick Moran (Federal Reserve Board)
Financial Innovation, the Decline in Household Savings, and the Trade-off between Flexibility and Commitment (with A. Kovacs)

10.20 - 11.15 - Pierre Mabille (INSEAD)
Aggregate Precautionary Savings Motives

11.15 - Coffee

Business Cycle and Labour Markets

11.35 - 12.30 - Gianluca Violante (Princeton)
Job Amenity Shocks and Labor Reallocation (with S. Bagga, L. Mann and A. Sahin)

12.30 - 14.00 - Lunch (buffet)

Poster Session

  • Nathaniel Butler-Blondel (ScPo) : Financial Regulation and Fiscal Dominance
  • Venance Riblier (ScPo) : Age and Business Cycle Volatility
  • Naomi Cohen (ScPo) : International Risk-Sharing and Inequality Transmission: An Application to the Euro Area

Monetary and Fiscal Policies

14.00 - 14.55 - Erwan Gautier (Banque de France)
Households' Beliefs About Fiscal Dominance (with P. Andrade, E. Mengus, E. Moench and T. Schmidt)

14.55 - 15.50 - Paul Fontanier (Yale)
Sovereign Bond Purchases and Rollover Crises

15.50 - Coffee

16.20 - 17.15 - Axelle Ferrière (PSE)
Fiscal Management of Aggregate Demand (with Gaston Navarro)

Download programme (PDF 93.09 KB)


The event is co-sponsored by Sciences Po and the Banque de France.

(credits: Shutterstock / Fabrik Bilder)

About this event

From 10 June 2024 09:00 to 11 June 2024 17:30

Organized by

Department of economics