Home>Applied Microeconomics Seminar - Oct 23rd
Applied Microeconomics Seminar - Oct 23rd
Jack WILLIS is Assistant Professor of Economics at Columbia University since 2018 and a Research Affiliate / Fellow at the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD), at the Center for Development Economics and Policy (CDEP), at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), at the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), and at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).
He works in development economics, on questions related to the financial lives of the poor, the functioning of rural markets and institutions, and on learning and technology adoption.
Jack Willis will present a paper, joint with Michelle Acampora, and Lorenzo Casaburi, at our next Applied Microeconomics Seminar on the topic:
Land Rental Markets: Experimental Evidence from Kenya (read abstract, PDF 29.36 KB)
More about Jack WILLIS and his research
Date: MONDAY, October 23rd - 2.45 pm
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Salle Jean-Paul Fitoussi (H 405)
The next Applied Microeconomics Seminar will host Joseph ALTONJI (Yale)*exceptionally scheduled* on Monday, November 13th.