Home>Banque de France Research Seminar *in-person* - Oct 6th
Banque de France Research Seminar *in-person* - Oct 6th
For the next Banque de France/Sciences Po Research Seminar "Banks and the Financial System: what regulation?", we are pleased to host Jean-Charles ROCHET (Professor of Banking at GSEM and Senior Chair at the Swiss Finance Institute) on the theme:
Banks and Public Debt
Bruno BIAIS (HEC Paris) will give his point of view on the subject.
Banque de France / Sciences Po Research Seminars discuss issues on banking, financial systems and financial regulation. The objective is to confront the approaches and ideas of academics and practitioners.
If you would like to attend, please contact Sandrine LE GOFF by email.
Seminars are organised by Vivien Levy-Garboua (Affiliated & Associate Faculty member), Denis Beau (Sous-Gouverneur, Banque de France), Stéphane GUIBAUD (Professor at Sciences Po).
Date: Wednesday, 2021/10/06 - 17:00
Location: Department of Economics - Staircase E - 4th floor - Room H 405
The next Banque de France Research Seminar will host Darrell DUFFIE (Stanford) on November 17th.