Home>Departmental Seminar - Mar 20th


Departmental Seminar - Mar 20th

Kirabo Jackson

Kirabo JACKSON is the Abraham Harris Professor of Human Development and Social Policy at Northwestern University. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). He serves on the Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession at the American Economic Association. Among his editorial duties, he was appointed lead editor for the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy this year.

He is a labour economist who studies education and social policy issues. The bulk of his work is focused on better understanding teacher labor markets. His extensive work on teachers analyses the role of peer learning in teacher effectiveness, how student demographics directly affect the distribution of teacher quality across schools, how a teacher’s effectiveness depends on the schooling context within which they operate, how best to measure teacher quality, and other related topics. His research has notably been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Smith Richardson Foundation and his work is regularly published in leading economics journals.

Kirabo JACKSON will present a paper, joint with Claire Mackevicius, at the next Depatmental Seminar on the theme:

What Impacts Can We Expect from School Spending Policy? Evidence from Evaluations in the U.S. (read paper)

More about Kirabo JACKSON and his research

Date: MONDAY, March 20th - 2:45 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Salle J-P Fitoussi

The next Departmental Seminar will host Chris ROTH (University of Cologne) on March 27th.

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