Home>Departmental Seminar - Nov 30th


Departmental Seminar - Nov 30th

Marion Goussé

Marion GOUSSÉ is Associate Professor and Visiting Faculty this Fall, on leave from the University of Laval (Québec). She holds a PhD in Economics from Sciences Po.

Her research fields are Micro-Econometrics, Labour Economics and Family Economics. Since graduating in 2014 she has undertaken an auspicious academic career – in just five years she has been awarded as many research grants from both the Canadian and Québec research councils. Her latest research project as Principal Investigator, funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, is entitled Mismatch between workers' skills and labor market needs and was awarded a grant this past year. In parallel she is participating in another SSHRC project on the Evaluation and development of policies to promote integration and job retention of people with disabillities (PI : Charles BELLEMARE).

Marion GOUSSÉ will present a paper at the next Departmental Seminar via Zoom on the theme:

Marriage and Cohabitation. A General Equilibrium Model (read Abstract, PDF 92.11 KB)

More about Marion GOUSSÉ and her research

Location: Zoom
Time: 2:45 PM

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