Home>Departmental Seminar - Oct 12th


Departmental Seminar - Oct 12th

Roland Rathelot

Roland RATHELOT is a Visiting Faculty member this year. He is an Associate Professor of Economics on leave from Warwick University. He is the Coordinator of the Econometrics and Labour Research Group and member of the Departmental Welfare, Equality, Diversity and Gender Group at Warwick. He is also an Affiliated Professor at the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), an External Research Fellow at the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM), and a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), and at CREST. Among his editorial activities he is notably the Associate Editor of Regional Science and Urban Economics and a Panel Member for Economic Policy.

His research interests are Labour Economics and Econometrics. His current research deals with the job-search process and discrimination against ethnic minorities. 

Roland RATHELOT will present a paper, joint with Lena HENSVIK and Thomas LE BARBANCHON, at the next Departmental Seminar on the theme:

Job Search during the COVID-19 Crisis (Abstract, PDF 18.65 KB)

More about Roland RATHELOT and his research

Location: 28, rue des Saints Pères - ROOM H 405 and via Zoom
Time: 2:45 PM

Due to current sanitary measures, the seminar will take place both on campus and via zoom - places are limited for the on-campus option.
You will be receiving a sign up sheet via email in order to indicate your choice as well as the link to zoom - don't forget to register your choice !

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