Home>Departmental Seminar - Oct 9th


Departmental Seminar - Oct 9th

Federica Romei

Federica ROMEI is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford and Tutorial Fellow at Hertford College since 2020. She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Among her editorial duties, she is a Member of the Editorial Board of the Review of Economic Studies. Priori to joining Oxford, she was at the Stockholm School of Economics and then a Visiting Scholar at the Banco di Espana.

Federica's primary fields of research are in monetary economics and international economics. In 2022 she was awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) starting grant for her project Heterogeneous Agents in Heterogeneous Countries which explores interlinked phenomena that came to shape economics in the past three decades: the evolution of inequality within and across countries, the explosion of international capital flows after financial liberalisation, and the secular decline of real interest rates.

Federica Romei will present a paper at the next Departmental Seminar on the theme:

Inequality, Demand Composition, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy (read abstract, PDF 28.86 KB)

More about Federica ROMEI and her research

Date: MONDAY, October 9th - 2.45 pm
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Salle Jean-Paul Fitoussi (H 405)

The next Departmental Seminar will host Armin FALK (University of Bonn) on November 6th.

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