Home>Departmental Seminar *in-person* - May 23rd


Departmental Seminar *in-person* - May 23rd

Jonathan Roth

Jonathan ROTH is Assistant Professor of Economics at Brown University since 2021. He was awarded his PhD in Economics by Harvard in 2020 and won the David Wells Prize for the best doctoral dissertation. Before joining Brown he spent a year as Senior Researcher in the Office of Chief Economist at Microsoft.

His primary research interests are in econometrics, with a focus on causal inference. He has also worked on topics in labour economics, machine learning, and algorithmic fairness.

Jonathan ROTH will present a paper at the next Departmental Seminar on the theme:

Design-based Uncertainty for Quasi-Experiments (read paper)

More about Jonathan ROTH and his research

Date: MONDAY, May 23rd - 2:45 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Room H 405

The next Departmental Seminar will host Florian ZIMMERMANN (briq & University of Bonn) on May 30th.


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