Home>Empirical IO Seminar - Mar 7th
Empirical IO Seminar - Mar 7th
Cailin SLATTERY is Assistant Professor of Economics at Columbia University. She is currently on leave at the National Bureau of Research (NBER) as a Fellow working on interjurisdictional tax competition and a s a Visiting Scholar with Harvard Kennedy School's Reimagining the Economy project. She is also a member of the Business & Public Policy group at UC Berkeley Haas.
She is an economist working at the intersection of public finance, industrial organisation, and political economy. Her research centres on the relationship between local governments and firms.
Cailin SLATTERY will present a paper at the next Empirical IO Seminar on the theme:
Market Structure and Political Influence in the Auto Retail Industry (read abstract, PDF 102.35 KB)
More about Cailin SLATTERY and her research
Date: TUESDAY, March 7th - 3:15 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Salle JP Fitoussi
The next Empirical IO Seminar will host Gaurab ARYAL (WUSTL) on March 21st.