Home>Empirical IO Seminar *in-person* - FRIDAY Dec 10th


Empirical IO Seminar *in-person* - FRIDAY Dec 10th

Isabelle Perrigne

*Exceptional scheduling, this seminar will take place in-person*

Isabelle PERRIGNE is Professor of Economics at Rice University. Prior to joining Rice, she held appointments at the University of Southern California and Pennsylvania State University.

Her area of expertise is empirical industrial organisation. In particular, she contributes to the development of the structural analysis of auction data. Her current interests are in nonlinear pricing and insurance. Her research closely combines models of incomplete information, data and microeconometrics. She is the recipient of grants from the National Science Foundation

More about Isabelle PERRIGNE and her research

Quang Vuong

Quang VUONG is Professor of Economics at New York University (NYU). He is also a Fellow of the Econometric Society.

His area of expertise is econometrics. He is most well known for his research on model selection with the Vuong test. This test is extensively used in social sciences, sciences and business. He developed pioneering econometric methods to estimate game theoretic models with complete and incomplete information. He is the recipient of several grants from the National Science Foundation

More about Quang VUONG and his research

Isabelle PERRIGNE and Quang VUONG will present their paper, joint with Yunmi KONG, at the next Empirical IO Seminar on the theme:

Multidimensional Auctions of Contracts: An Empirical Analysis (read paper, PDF 682.36 KB)

Date: FRIDAY, December 10th - 3:15 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th floor - Room H 403

The Empirical IO Series will resume in February - happy holidays!

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