Home>Empirical IO Seminar - Sept 27th
Empirical IO Seminar - Sept 27th
Giacomo CALZOLARI is Professor of Economics and the Dean of Research at the European University Institute. He is also an Associate Faculty member at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Among his editorial duties, he is co-editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization, of European Economy – Banks, regulation, and the real sector, and of Labour: Review of labour economics and industrial relations. He is a member of the steering committee of the European Association of Industrial Economics, the Association of Competition Economics and the Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy of the European Commission.
His current research interests include competition policy, economics of regulation, industrial organization, banking regulation and supervision and the economics of incentives. He has been awarded the European Economic Association's Young Economist Award and the 2014 Best Paper Award by the Association of Competition Economics.
Giacomo CALZOLARI will present a paper at the next Empirical IO Seminar on the theme:
Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Recommendations, and Competition (read abstract, PDF 54.69 KB)
More about Giacomo CALZOLARI and his research
Date: TUESDAY, September 27th - 3:15 PM
Location: Department of Economics - 4th flour - Room H 405
The next Empirical IO Seminar will host Liyang SUN (CEMFI) on October 11th.