Home>Empirical IO Seminar *via Zoom* - Sept 28th
Empirical IO Seminar *via Zoom* - Sept 28th
*This seminar will take place via Zoom but you may watch it in room H 405*
Frank VERBOVEN is Professor at the Department of Economics of KU Leuven. He is also a member of the Industrial Orgianization Group at KU Leuven (IO@Leuven) and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Among his editorial duties, he is currently Managing Editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization (together with Yongmin CHEN).
His research focuses on industrial organisation, competition policy, and applied micro-economics.
Frank VERBOVEN will present a paper, joint with Biliana YONTCHEVA, at the next Empirical IO Seminar on the theme:
Private Monopoly and Restricted Entry: Evidence from the Notary Profession (paper to follow)
More about Frank VERBOVEN and his research
Date: TUESDAY, September 28th - 3:15 PM
Location: Zoom
The next Empirical IO Seminar will host Stéphane BONHOMME (University of Chicago) on October 12th.