Home>Empirical IO Seminar via Zoom - September 22nd


Empirical IO Seminar via Zoom - September 22nd

Estelle Cantillon

Estelle CANTILLON is a FNRS Research Director at the Université libre de Bruxelles (Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management) and an Affiliated Researcher at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE). She currently serves as joint Managing Editor of the Economic Journal and Associate Editor at the RAND Journal of Economics. At the Solvay Brussels School, she leads the Sustainable Development Teaching Initiative.

Her research lies at the boundary between market design and industrial organization and typically combines theory and data. She has published on auctions, procurement, competition between exchanges, and assignment problems. Her current research focuses on multi-attribute procurement, the design of emissions markets, and school choice.

Estelle CANTILLON will present a paper, joint with Stefan BERGHEIMER and Mar REGUANT, at the next Empirical IO Seminar via Zoom on the theme:

What is price discovery achieving in the New Zealand electricity market ? (Abstract, PDF 16.7 KB)

More about Estelle CANTILLON and her research

Location: Zoom
Time: 2:45 PM

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