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Fall spotlight on our new permanent faculty

The Department is pleased to welcome six new permanent faculty members this year:

Moshe buchinsky

Moshe Buchinsky

Moshe BUCHINSKY is Full Professor of Economics at the Department since July 2021, joining us from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) where he is Professor Emeritus. He is also a consultant for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemProfessor Buchinsky was Vice-Chair for Graduate Studies at UCLA's Department of Economics twice (2003-2006 and 2013-2016).

He is affiliated to a number of research centres: a Research Affiliate at the Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality as well as at the California Center for Population Research, and a Research Associate at NBER. In 2020 he was elected Fellow of the Econometric Society

His research develops econometric tools and applies them to labor economics and public finance. Professor Buchinsky wrote seminal papers on quantile regression, using it to analyze changes in the distribution of wages. His other work studies returns to seniority and experience, and the degree of wage mobility.

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clément de chaisemartin

Clément de Chaisemartin

Clément DE CHAISEMARTIN joined us this Fall as Professor of Economics. He is an Associate Professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), currently on leave. He is also a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and a JPAL Affiliate.

His research interests focus on econometric methods for policy evaluation, and on the economics of education.

In 2019, his paper "Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences", published in the Review of Economic Studies, received the AFSE-Malinvaud Prize. He has been awarded a number of research grants by the French health and education authorities, and has carried out several randomized controlled trials evaluating educational interventions, in France and in Chile.

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pierre-philippe combes

Pierre-Philippe Combes

Pierre-Philippe COMBES initially joined the Department in 2013 as an Associated Professor. Since this Fall he is a member of our permanent faculty as a CNRS Professor, joining us from the University-ENS of Lyon.
He is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the head of the of the local statistics department of the Conseil National de l'Information Statistique (CNIS - the French statistical advisory committee).

His research interests are in urban economics and economic geography, with a special interest in the working of local labour and housing markets and the location choices of firms and households, resulting in possible economic spatial disparities.

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Isabelle mejean

Isabelle Mejean

Isabelle MEJEAN joins us this Fall as Professor of Economics from the École Polytechnique. She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy and Research (CEPR). Among her editorial duties, she is the Managing Editor of Economic Policy as of October 2021 (and just completed a mandate as the Co-Editor of the European Economic Review). She is a member of the Conseil d’Analyse Économique since 2020 as well as Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Kiel Institute.

Isabelle MEJEAN’s research interests span international macroeconomics and international trade. She is particularly interested in the structure of firm-to-firm trade networks and its consequences for various aggregate outcomes.

In 2016, she was awarded the AFSE-Malinvaud Prize for her paper “Firms, Destinations, and Aggregate Fluctuations” that appeared in Econometrica in 2014. She was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2017 for her project Firm-to-Firm Trade Networks (TRADENET) which sets out to analyse the propagation of shocks through international trade which she shows are favoured and amplified by the microeconomic structure of trade networks with an end-effect on the dynamics and volatility of aggregate trade.

In 2020 Isabelle MEJEAN was awarded the Best Young Economist of France Award by the Cercle des Économistes-Le Monde.

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Consult her website

stefan pollinger

Stefan Pollinger


Stefan POLLINGER joined the Department as an Assistant Professor of Economics this Fall.

His main fields of research interest are in public economics, applied econometrics, and environmental economics. Using theoretical and empirical tools, he is particularly interested in the evaluation and optimization of public policies.

Stefan POLLINGER defended his doctoral thesis at the Toulouse School of Economics in August 2021. He holds a Master of Science in Economic Theory and Econometrics from TSE and a Master in Economics from the University of Vienna.

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moritz schularick

Moritz Schularick

Moritz SCHULARICK joined us this Fall as Professor of Economics. He is also the Director of the MacroFinance Lab, and a Principal Investigator in the DFG-Excellence Cluster ECONtribute at the University of Bonn. He is an elected Member of the Academy of Sciences of Berlin and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Among his editorial duties, he is the Managing Editor of Economic Policy.

His research spans macroeconomics, finance, international economics and economic history and is supported by major grants from the European Research Council (ERC), the German Research Foundation (DFG), and the Institute for New Economic Thinking.

In 2018, he received the Gossen-Prize of the German Economic Association that is awarded every year to honour a German-speaking economist whose work has gained international renown. His work on credit cycles, asset prices, and financial stability has provided the backdrop for so-called macro-prudential policies aimed at curbing credit booms and stability risks. He is a frequent consultant to central banks and contributes to public debates across different media.

Read his faculty profile
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Our partners

Institutional partnerships for research and innovation

  • CNRS
  • Banque de France
  • The CORE Project 
  • The Kellen Foundation

Other research centres

  • LEPI
  • OFCE